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July Agenda: 13/07/2017

Architects Registration Board 
Board Meeting
8 Weymouth Street, London, W1W 5BU

13 July 2017

Open Session

1. Apologies for Absence
No apologies have been received.

2. Members’ Interests
To note the Register of Member’s interests and to hear any declarations of potential conflicts of interest for the items below.


3. Minutes
To approve the minutes of the meeting of 12 May 2017.
Open Minutes

4. Matters Arising
To note the update report on actions agreed from previous meetings.
Matters Arising

5. Chairman’s Report
To hear a report on matters relating to the conduct of the Board’s business.
Verbal Update

6. ARB’s Operational Activities
To note a report from the ARB Team on matters relating to the running of the Board’s business.
Operational Activities Report

7. Update on the recommendations following the Periodic Review
To note the update on the progress made in delivering the recommendations of the DCLG’s Periodic Review.


8. Review of Criteria
To note the DCLG’s feedback regarding the Board’s position.  To discuss and agree the scope, objectives and timelines for the review.
Cover Paper

9. Review of Prescription Procedures
To note the DCLG’s feedback regarding the Board’s position.  To discuss and agree the scope, objectives and timelines for the review.
Cover Paper

10. Priorities, Business Plan and Resources 2017 – 2018
To discuss the 2017 and 2018 Business Plan and Priorities and agree the request for additional resources.
(i) Business Plan and Priorities 2017-2018
To note the updated 2017 Business Plan and timelines for delivery
Annex A
Annex B
(ii) Increase to Staff Headcount

Matters for Note

11. Management Accounts
To note the 2017 Management Accounts to May 217 and Year-end Forecast.
Cover Paper
Annex A

12. Report on the delivery of the 2017 Business Plan
To receive an update on the mid-year performance against the 2017 Business Plan.
Cover Paper
Annex A

13. Report to the Board on Statistics, Trends and Performance Indicators 2017
To note and discuss the report on statistics, trends and performance indicators for 2017.
Cover Paper
Annex A
Annex B

14. Prescription Committee’s Annual Report
To note the Prescription Committee’s Annual Report.

15. Investigation Oversight Committee’s Annual Report
To note the Committee’s 2016/2017 Annual Report.

16. To note the draft minutes of:
i. The Investigations Oversight Committee meeting of 9 June 2017

17. AOB
To raise any other business.

18. Dates of meetings 2017
•  14 September 2017
•  23 November 2017