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September Agenda – 06/09/2023

Open Session

1. Apologies for absence
To note an Open Session apologies for absence

2. Members’ interests
To note the Register of Members’ Interests and to hear any declarations of potential conflicts of interest for the items below.


3. Update from the Chair
To hear a verbal update from the Chair.

4. Minutes
To approve the minutes from the open session for the meeting held on 19 July 2023.

5. Report on Actions following Previous Meeting
To note an update on the actions that have been taken forward following previous meeting.

6. Matters Arising
To note any matters arising.


7. Reform of the Initial Education and Training of Architects in the UK

7a. Initial Education and Training of Architects: Consultation Report
To approve the consultation report on the initial education and training of architects

7b. Competency outcomes for the initial education and training of architects
To approve new competency outcomes for the initial education and training of architects

7c. Standards for learning providers
To approve new standards for learning providers who deliver ARB accredited qualifications

7d. Accreditation of architecture qualifications in the UK
To note ARB plans to introduce a new risk-based model of accreditation

7e. Establishment of an Education Transition Reference Group
To agree the establishment of the Education Transition Reference Group which will provide feedback to the ARB executive on the implementation of reforms to the initial education and training of architects.

8. Updates to ARB’s General Rules
To approve the proposed changes made to the General Rules following consultation.

9. Establishment of a Commission to look at Professional Practical Experience in architecture
To agree the establishment of the Commission to look at access to and model of delivery of Professional Practical Experience (PPE) requirements for those trainee architects wishing to register in the UK.

10. Evaluation the impact of ARB reforms to the initial education and training of architects in the UK
To agree to fund initial research into how we can evaluate the impact that ARB’s education proposals have on access to the profession


11. Professional Conduct Committee Report
To receive an update from the Chair of the Professional Conduct Committee

12. Chief Executive’s Report
To note a report from the ARB’s Chief Executive on matters relating to the running of the Board’s business.

13. Any other business
To raise any other business (members are asked to notify the Registrar by Wednesday 30 August 2023 of any points they wish to raise).

14. Dates of future Board meetings
Board Meeting – 18 October 2023
Board Workshop – 22 November 2023
Board Meeting – 6 December 2023