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Our meeting with Architects Climate Action Network

A statement from Karen Holmes (Registrar & Chief Executive) On Tuesday, myself and Simon Howard, our Head of Professional Standards, met Tom Bennett and members of the Architects Climate Action Network (ACAN) to listen to statements and then hold a meeting to...

ARB revoke prescription of two qualifications

The Architect Registration Board (ARB) has decided to revoke the prescription of two qualifications which are provided by Hull College and validated by The Open University. The qualifications are the BA (Hons) Architecture at Part 1 and the Master of Architecture...

Our 2018 Annual Report is now available online

Take a look at our 2018 Annual Report As the regulator of architects in the UK, we aim to protect the public and support architects through regulation.  Find out what we achieved and learned in 2018 through delivering our statutory responsibilities. This year’s report...

The annual retention fee has been held at £111 for 2020

In the UK, an individual must join the Architects Register in order to legally call themselves an architect.  Architects pay an annual retention fee by 31 December the preceding year in order to remain registered in the new year. The fee is our main source of income...

Phishing warning

It has come to our attention that a fraudulent email, purporting to be from ARB, has been sent to a member of the public. The email has the subject line: Industrial Complaint – Architects Registration Board and invites the recipient to click a link in order to provide...