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February Agenda – 28/02/2024

Private Meeting of the Board
To discuss any relevant issues during a private meeting of the Board including any feedback on the recent presentation on budgets and fees.

Open Session

1. Apologies for absence
To note any apologies for absence.

2. Members’ interests
To note the Register of Members’ Interests and to hear any declarations of potential conflicts of interest for the items below.


3. Update from the Chair – Open Session
To hear a verbal update from the Chair.

4. Minutes
To approve the minutes from the open session of the meeting held on 6 December 2023.

5. Report on Actions following Previous Meetings
To note an update on the actions that have been taken forward following previous meetings.

6. Updates since the Board papers were issued
To hear updates on any matters which have arisen since the Board papers were issued.


7. Reappointment of Temporary Lay Board Member
To approve the reappointment of the temporary Lay Board Member for a further six-month period.

8. Plagiarism Policy
To note the outcomes of the consultation and approve the Plagiarism Policy.


9. 2023 Business Plan Update
To note an update on the 2023 Business Plan.

10. Performance Monitoring Review for 2023, Q4
i. To note the performance monitoring data for 2023, Q4.
ii. To note the Management Accounts and forecast year end outturn for 2023.

11. Chief Executive’s Report
To note a report from the ARB’s Chief Executive on matters relating to the running of the Board’s business.

12. Any Other Business
To raise any other business (members are asked to notify the Registrar by Monday 26 February 2024 of any points they wish to raise).

13. Dates of future Board meetings

Board Workshop – Wednesday 20 March 2024 – In person, Hallam Conference Centre, 40 Hallam Street, London

Board Meeting – Wednesday 22 May 2024 – In person, at ARB offices, 8 Weymouth Street, London
Board Workshop – Wednesday 19 June 2024 – In person, location TBC
Board Meeting – Tuesday 16 July 2024 – Online
Two-day Board Workshop – Tuesday 10 & Wednesday 11 September 2024 – In Person, ARB Offices

Board Meeting – Wednesday 16 October 2024 – Online
Board Workshop – Wednesday 20 November 2024 – In person, ARB Offices
Board Meeting – Tuesday 10 December 2024 – In person, at ARB offices