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May Agenda: 11/05/2018


1.Apologies for Absence

2.Members Interests


3. Minutes
To approve the minutes of the meeting of 14 February 2018.
Open session minutes

4. Matters Arising
To note the update report on actions agreed from previous meetings.
Matters Arising

5. Chair’s Report
To note a report on matters relating to the conduct of the Board’s business.
Chair’s Report

6. ARB’s Operational Activities
To note a report from the ARB team on matters relating to the running of the Board’s business.
Operational Activities report

7.  Periodic Review Update
To note the update report on the Periodic Review.
[Verbal Update]

8. Committee Structure 2018
To consider and approve the membership of ARB’s Committees for 2018/2019.
Cover paper
Annex A

9. Section 14 Review
To discuss and agree any proposed changes to the Investigations Rules in preparation for consultation.
Cover paper
Annex A

10. Business as Usual Reviews of the Procedure and Criteria for the Prescription of Qualifications
To discuss the progress of the business as usual reviews of the Procedures and Criteria for the Prescription of Qualifications and to agree the next step of the reviews.
Cover paper


11. Chair/Vice Chair Election Timetable
To note the 2018 annual election timetable, as required under Rule 7 of the General Rules.
Cover paper

12. To note the 2017 Financial Out-turn
Cover paper
Annex A

13. Management Accounts
To note the 2018 Management Accounts to March 2018 and Year-end Forecast.
Cover paper
Annex A

14. Annual Report from the Audit Committee
To note the Committee’s 2017 Annual Report.
Annual Report

15. Minutes
To note the draft minutes of:
i) Investigations Oversight Committee meeting of 27 February 2018