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May Agenda: 12/05/2017

Architects Registration Board 
Board Meeting
8 Weymouth Street, London, W1W 5BU

12 May 2017


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Members’ Interests
To note the Register of Member’s interests and to hear any declarations of potential conflicts of interest for the items below.


3. Minutes
To approve the minutes of the meeting of 16 February 2017.
Open Minutes

4. Matters Arising
To note the update report on actions agreed from previous meetings.
Open Matters

5. Chairman’s Report
To note a report on matters relating to the conduct of the Board’s business.
Chairs Report

6. ARB’s Operational Activities
To note a report from the ARB Team on matters relating to the running of the Board’s business.
Operational Activities

7. Periodic Review Update
To hear an update on the Periodic Review.
Board Paper


8. Professional Conduct Committee Annual Report
To discuss and note the Report of the Professional Conduct Committee Chair.
Terms of Reference


9. Board Members’ Code of Practice
To agree the proposed amendments to the Board Members’ Code of Practice.
Open Report
Annex A
Annex B
Annex C

10. Audit Committee Terms of Reference
To agree the proposed amendments to the Audit Committee Terms of Reference.
Cover Paper
Annex A

11. Prescription Committee Terms of Reference
To agree the proposed amendments to the Prescription Committee Terms of Reference.
Board Paper

12. Criteria for the Prescription of Qualifications 
To consider if the Board wishes to review the Criteria for the Prescription of Qualifications.
Board Paper
Annex A
Annex B

13. Procedures for the Prescription of Qualifications
To consider if the Board wishes to review the Procedures for the Prescription of Qualifications.
Board Paper

14. Sharing of Data
To decide whether to share ARB’s Register data with third parties where there is a regulatory benefit.
Board Paper

15. Board Effectiveness Survey Report
To discuss the outcomes and agree the next steps.
Board Paper

16. Mental Health & Wellbeing of Architectural Students
To consider and approve the recommendations.
Board Paper

17. Approval of Board Committee Membership for 2017/2018
To consider and approve the membership of ARB’s Committees for 2017/2018.
Board Paper
Annex A

1.30pm – 2.00pm – LUNCH

18. Chair/Vice Chairs Election Timetable
To note the 2017 annual election timetable, s required under Rule 7 of the General Rules.
Board Paper

19. To note the 2016 Financial Outturn
To note the 2016 Outturn.
Board Paper
Annex A
Annex B

20. Management Accounts
To note the 2017 Management Accounts to March 2017 and Year-end Forecast.
Board Paper
Annex A

21. Annual Report from the Audit Committee
To note the Committee’s 2016 Annual Report.
Board Paper

22. Routes to Registration
To hear an update on the review of ARB’s Routes to Registration.

23. Minutes
To note the draft minutes of:
i) The Investigations Oversight Committee meeting of 24 February 2017
ii) The Audit Committee meeting of 16 March 2017

24. Any Other Business
To raise any other business (members are asked to notify the Registrar by 10:00am on Wednesday 10 May 2017 of any points they wish to raise).

25. Dates of meetings 2017

•  13 July 2017
•  14 September 2017
•  23 November 2017