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July Agenda – 21/07/2021


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Members’ Interest


  1. Update from the Chair
    Oral update
  2. Minutes
    To approve the open session minutes of the meeting held on 19 May 2021
  3. Matters Arising Report
    To note the update report on actions agreed from previous meetings.


  1. Guidance to Institutions
    To agree the Guidance to Institutions on Sustainability and Fire & Life Safety Design.
    Cover Paper
    Annex A
    Annex B
    Annex C
    Annex D
  2. Non-Executive Annual Report Process
    To agree the Annual Review process for Non-Executive members.
    Cover Paper
    Annex A
  3. Development of International Routes to Registration
    To approve the draft principles that will underpin the development of the Board’s new international routes to registration.


  1. Chief Executive’s Report
    To note a report from the ARB’s Chief Executive on matters relating to the running of the Board’s business.
  2. Remuneration & Appointments Committee Annual Report
    To note the Remuneration & Appointments Committee Annual Report.
  3. Management Account
    To note Management Accounts for 2021.
    Cover Paper
    Annex A
  4. Any Other Business
  5. Dates of future board meetings:
    8 September 2021
    9 September 2021- Board Workshop Day
    27 October 2021
    1 December 2021