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October Agenda: 02/10/2020


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Members’ Interests


3. Update from the Chair (oral update)

4. Minutes
To approve the Open Session minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 2020.

5. Matter Arising Report
To note the update report on actions agreed from previous meetings.


6. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Statement
To approve the strategy for how ARB might deal with the challenges and opportunities presented by Equality, Diversity and Inclusion over the next three years.
Cover Paper
Annex A

7. Appointment and Performance Management of Non-Executives excl. Board Members and Independent Non-Executives of Committees.
To agree the process for appointing and performance management of non-executive outside of the Board structure.
Cover Paper
Annex A


8. Chief Executive’s Report
To note a report from the ARB’s Chief Executive on matters relating to the running of the Board’s business.

9. Prescribed Exam Annual Report
To note the Prescribed Exam Annual Report.

10. Minutes
Minutes of the Remuneration & Appointments Committee meeting 21 September 2020.
*This item has now been moved to the Confidential Session of the Board Meeting*

11. Any Other Business
To raise any other business (members are asked to notify the Registrar by 5pm on 30 September 2020 of any points they wish to raise).

12. Dates of Future Board Meetings:
20 November 2020
3 December 2020 – Development Day
Additional December Board Meeting: Date TBC