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May Agenda: 18/05/2022


  1. Apologies for Absence
  1. Members Interests


  1. Update from the Chair
    Oral update
  1. Minutes
    i.To approve the open session minutes of the meeting held on 9 February 2022
    ii. To ratify the Board’s decision by write round dated 22 April 2022 in relation to the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee Member
  1. Matters Arising
    To note the update report on actions agreed from previous meetings


  1. Publication of Professional Conduct Committee Disciplinary Sanctions
    To approve the period for which disciplinary orders issued by the Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) should be marked against an architect’s entry on the Register of Architects


  1. Performance Monitoring Report
    To note the Performance Monitoring Data
    Cover Paper
    Annex A
  1. Chief Executive’s Report
    To note a report from the ARB’s Chief Executive on matters relating to the running of the Board’s business
    Cover Paper
    Annex A
  1. Management Accounts
    i.To note the Year End Outturn 2021
    Cover Paper
    Annex A
    ii.To note the Management Accounts for 2022
    Cover Paper
    Annex A
  1. Audit & Risk Assurance Committee Annual Report
    To note the ARAC Annual Report- April 2021 to April 2022
  1. Any Other Business