Open Session
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Members’ Interests
3. Minutes
To approve the minutes of the meeting of 13 July 2017
4. Matters Arising
To note the update report on actions agreed from previous meetings.
5. Chairman’s Report
To hear a report on matters relating to the conduct of the Board’s business.
6. ARB’s Operational Activities
To note a report from the ARB Team on matters relating to the running of the Board’s business.
7. Periodic Review
To note an update on the Periodic Review.
8. Reserves Policy Review
To review the current Reserves Policy.
Cover Paper
Annex A
9. Business Plan 2017/2018
To agree the 20172018 Business Plan.
Cover Paper
Annex A
Annex B
10. Budget and Retention Fee 2018
To agree the budget and annual retention fee for 2018.
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Annex A
Annex B
Annex C
11. Other fees for 2018
To agree fees for joining and re-joining the Register, Prescribed Examinations, provision of the PDF Register and Certificates.
Cover Paper
Annex A
12. Benefits Analysis – In-house Lawyer
To consider the benefits of an in-house lawyer to provide legal services in respect of disciplinary proceedings.
Cover Paper
13. Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference
To consider suggested changes to the Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference.
Cover Paper
Annex A
14. Attendance Allowance
To consider a report from the Remuneration Committee on the remuneration of Board and Committee members.
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Annex A
Annex B
15. Governance Structure
To provide an overview of the anticipated Committee/Governance structure following the reconstitution of the Board.
Cover Paper
Annex A
16. Management Accounts
To note ARB’s financial position as at 31 July 2017.
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Annex A
17. Communications Annual Report
To note the 2017 Communications Annual Report.
Cover Paper
Annex A
Annex B
Annex C
18. Minutes
To note the draft minutes of the Remuneration Committee meeting of 7 July 2017.
19. Any Other Business