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Adopted by ARB from the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Good administration by public bodies means:

  1. Getting it right
    • Acting in accordance with the law and with regard for the rights of those concerned.
    • Acting in accordance with the public body’s policy and guidance (published or internal).
    • Taking proper account of established good practice. Providing effective services, using appropriately trained and competent staff.
    • Taking reasonable decisions, based on all relevant considerations.
  2. Being customer-focused
    • Ensuring people can access services easily.
    • Informing customers what they can expect and what the public body expects of them.
    • Keeping to its commitments, including any published service standar ds.
    • Dealing with people helpfully, promptly and sensitively, bearing in mind their individual circumstances.
    • Responding to customers’ needs flexibly, including, where appropriate, co-ordinating a response with other service providers.
  3. Being open and accountable
    • Being open and clear about policies and procedures and ensuring that information, and any advice provided, is clear, accurate and complete.
    • Stating its criteria for decision-making and giving reasons for decisions.
    • Handling information properly and appropriately.
    • Keeping proper and appropriate records.
    • Taking responsibility for its actions.
  4. Acting fairly and proportionately
    • Treating people impartially, with respect and courtesy.
    • Treating people without unlawful discrimination or prejudice, and ensuring no conflicts of interest.
    • Dealing with people and issues objectively and consistently.
    • Ensuring that decisions and actions are proportionate, appropriate and fair.
  5. Putting things right
    • Acknowledging mistakes and apologising where appropriate.
    • Putting mistakes right quickly and effectively.
    • Providing clear and timely information on how and when to appeal or complain.
    • Operating an effective complaints procedure, which includes offering a fair and appropriate remedy when a complaint is upheld.
  6. Seeking continuous improvement
    • Reviewing policies and procedures regularly to ensure they are effective.
    • Asking for feedback and using it to improve services and performance.
    • Ensuring that the public body learns lessons from complaints and uses these to improve services.