MyARB is the new self-service portal through which you will manage your Registration through your own unique account, similar to online banking.
We’ve developed this portal to provide a better service. You can now access your details whenever and wherever you need to, including out of hours and on your mobile device. You can make changes directly online and see, in real-time, that changes have been made.
MyARB will also help you maintain your privacy and manage your business. The portal requires both a registration profile address (usually your home) which will remain private, and a second, business address, which will appear online on the public Register.
What can you do on MyARB?
your retention fee
certificates and receipts
your contact and payment details
your CPD records
Stay in touch
on matters relating to your statutory Registration

Manage your registration 24/7, across all your devices.
Need help with MyARB?
I am logging into MyARB for the first time – what do I need to do?
If you were already on the Register, login details will be sent to you via email. When you login for the first time, ensure that the personal details on the system are for you. If they are not, you should contact us immediately – we offer help by telephone and email.
If you are a new registrant logging in for the first time, select a suitable email address to use. It should be personal to you, and can’t be an email address that is shared or can be accessed by multiple users e.g., info@example.com. If you want to use a work email address, make sure you will still be able to access it if you change employer.
Next, choose a secure password. Your password can be changed at any time through the portal.
If you forget your password, first ensure that you are using the correct email address, then select ‘forgot my password’. You should then receive a one-time validation code which you can use to reset your password.
We recommend that you do not block emails from ARB, or attempt to unsubscribe, as you might miss important communications from us. Please check your ‘spam’ or ‘junk’ folders as our emails may be delivered there.
Remember, your MyARB portal contains sensitive personal data – you should never share your login details with anyone.
Is there a MyARB app?
MyARB is accessible in a web version only and there is no MyARB app at the moment. However, the MyARB portal has been optimised to work from mobiles and tablets as well as desktop computers and laptops.
How can I protect my MyARB details online?
We ask that all Registrants check all their details are correct and recommend they do so at least twice a year. We will remind you to do this if you haven’t logged in for a while, or as we approach the retention fee payment period.
MyARB contains all the data relating to your professional registration. This information is confidential and, as with online banking, it’s important not to share it with others.
Will I be able to update my registration details?
Your Registration Profile must contain your contact details, which can be managed and kept up-to-date from MyARB. Please fill in all the field details requested and ensure you save them. They can then be reviewed in the ‘My Profile’ section of the MyARB system. Remember, it is your responsibility to keep your contact details up-to-date, and we recommend that you review them regularly to make sure they are current, and to always do so if you are moving address or changing jobs.
We won’t pass any of your details, whether business or personal, to third parties. We will only use them to contact you about matters relating to your registration, such as the annual fee, whether you need to submit CPD, or if there are conduct matters relating to you.
Will you need my postal address?
We require two physical addresses for your Registration Profile: your home address, which will not be made public and your business address, which is published online.
Do you have to display my full address?
Your business address is public but can be partially hidden on request. You may wish to do so if your home and business address are the same, and you don’t want to share the full address on the Register.
If you do choose to partially disguise your publicly available business address, only the town/city and first part of postcode (e.g. ‘John Smith London W1W’) will be displayed. It’s worth considering that this means that anyone looking to engage your services will also not be able to view them.
Why do you ask for my EDI details?
We ask you to ensure your EDI data is checked and updated so we can accurately describe the makeup of the Register and reflect any requirements in Board work or Accreditation processes. These are not made public, nor are they made available to ARB team members. For those who do not wish to share information, there are options for ‘prefer not to say’.
How will you get in touch with me?
Generally, communications will come via email but they may come through any of the contact details you provide.
It is part of your responsibility as a regulated professional to make sure you both look out for, and respond to, ARB emails and communications in a timely fashion. Your continued registration may be affected if you don’t engage with us. We may contact you about your registration details, or about your requirements to submit CPD evidence.
Can I store important information and documents online in my MyARB account?
You can save copies of any documents you may need in the future (such as evidence of qualifications or your ID) by saving them in to the My Safekeeping Documents area of the site. There, you can find an ‘Upload Document’ button, which allows for documents to be saved in your portal. Once you are logged in to MyARB for the first time, your annual Registration certificates, receipts and copies of any documents issued from ARB will automatically be saved under My Safekeeping Documents.
How do I pay my 2024 retention fee?
Paying the ARB retention fee is easy. We will send an email for the fee in late October, and the deadline for payment remains 31 December. You can only pay your fee through the portal, from your own personal account, either by credit or debit card, or direct debit – we have provided more information below. The direct debit setup process is similarly easy and the fee is taken in one annual payment, rather than in instalments.
Can my employer pay my Registration fee?
No. You can only pay your fee through the portal, by credit or debit card or direct debit from your own personal account. Payments, whether made in bulk or individually, cannot be made by your employer – this is because a personal declaration needs to be made by you at the point of payment.
What types of payment do you accept?
Please make the payment from your personal bank account. Payment by card is taken immediately, and you will see on the portal if your payment is successful.
We do not accept BACS transfer payments, or cash, or cheques.
We cannot accept direct debits from business accounts unless you are a sole practitioner. If you are a sole trader, and the only architect, you can use your company account. However please note that any other architects who join your practice in the future would not be able to use your company bank account to make payments to ARB.
What happens if the payment does not go through?
If the payment does not go through, you should contact us immediately and you may be removed from the Register if we don’t receive the fee in time. We will continue to email those who have not paid until the 31 December deadline, so please make sure to respond if you receive any messages from us.
How can I claim back my fee from my employer?
After payment, you will be able to download a certificate and payment receipt at the same time. These documents can be used in any claim for the fee to your employer. Please note, registration fees do not include VAT, as ARB is not VAT-registered.
How do I update my payment details?
Please go to your MyARB Profile section to edit or cancel the direct debit where you will also be able to view your account details.
If you continue to get messages saying you need to pay, you need to contact us.
When do I make my annual declaration?
At the time of making the payment, you will also have to make an annual declaration that you continue to meet the Board’s requirements. This includes confirming that that your details are all correct; that you have completed CPD; that you have appropriate insurance, and notifying us of any changes in professional discipline or criminal convictions.
I’m not currently working as an architect, do I need to use MyARB?
If you are not working, or are retired, you may not need to be registered.
Requesting other ARB services (EU certificates, letters of good standing, etc)
You can also request other certificates and services via your My ARB Profile, using the yellow buttons on the page. You can also store core documents related to your registration in your Profile in the ‘My Safekeeping Documents’ section. This may be evidence of your Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 awards, or scans of your ID or passport which can be used to make future ARB applications for certification, or for the MRA application process, for example. Instructions for how to upload documents to the site can be found above.
We’ll be developing more MyARB services in the coming months.