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  • Reasonable adjustments for those seeking to join the Register or use registrant services

Reasonable adjustments for those seeking to join the Register or use registrant services

ARB is committed to creating an inclusive environment that respects and values the diversity of those on, or applying to join, the Register. We recognise our commitment to ensure that individuals with specific needs are provided with reasonable adjustments to enable equal access and opportunities. This commitment aligns with the values of fairness, respect, and inclusivity.

Architects are expected to use MyARB, our registrant services portal, to access registrant services. However, we appreciate that some individuals may have specific needs or disabilities which make using the portal difficult. Those architects can submit a request for a reasonable adjustment to make managing their registrations easier.


What is a reasonable adjustment?

Reasonable adjustments are accommodations made to our practices, procedures, and services to ensure individuals with disabilities or specific needs can participate fully and access our services.


Examples of reasonable adjustments

ARB is committed to providing reasonable adjustments to support individuals with disabilities or specific needs, and we will make adjustments when requested where they are feasible and can be reasonably accommodated.

These adjustments may include, but are not limited to:

  • Offering different communication methods for those with a physical impairment, or having a nominated contact who can act on your behalf to use the online portal.
  • Providing various options for paying your retention fee, such as automatic direct debit of the annual retention fee.
  • Considering requests for alternative ways to submit your CPD if you cannot use the online portal due to a physical impairment.


Process for requesting reasonable adjustments

Contact us at info@arb.org.uk to inform us about your requirements. We have expectations that registered architects will use the portal to manage their registration including submitting their CPD, and reasonable adjustments apply to physical impairments, rather than opting out for personal choice or preference. You will need to provide evidence for your request for reasonable accommodations.


How we consider and implement requests for reasonable adjustments

Adjustments to how architects use MyARB to manage their registration will be tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual, and usually relate to a physical or mental health issue.

When we receive your request, we will review it and ask for further information if necessary. An assessment may be conducted to determine the feasibility of the requested adjustments.  Feasibility considers the cost, time, and effort required to implement the adjustments, ensuring they comply with the law and do not place an undue burden on the organisation. Reasonable adjustments must be practical and achievable, taking into account the resources and capabilities of ARB.

All information disclosed during the request and implementation of reasonable adjustments will be treated confidentially and in accordance with our privacy policies. We will periodically review any arrangements with you to ensure they are still applicable and helpful.