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May Agenda – 17/05/2023


1. Apologies for absence

2. Members’ interests


3. Update from the Chair
Verbal update

4. Minutes
To approve the open session minutes of the meetings held on 15 February and 28 March 2023

5. Matters Arising Report
To note the update report on actions agreed at previous meetings (there were none)


6. Administration Fees for Registration Applications
To discuss and agree the approach that should be taken in relation to those who do not use ARB’s new online portal to pay their registration/retention fees; and to agree whether an additional administrative fee should apply to them.

7. Mutual Recognition Agreements & the UK Part 3 Qualifications
To agree that individuals who fulfil the requirements set out in one of ARB’s mutual recognition agreements, but who also hold, or go on to hold, an ARB -accredited Part 3 qualification, can apply for registration under the MRA route without having to undertaken the UK Adaptation Assessment.


8. Update on externally facilitated Board and Committee Effectiveness Review
To note the plans for the externally facilitated Board and Committee Effectiveness Review which will commence later this year.

9. Performance Monitoring Update for Q1
To receive an update on the performance monitoring for Q1.

10. Chief Executive’s Report
To note a report from the ARB’s Chief Executive on matters relating to the running of the Board’s business.

11. Annual Report for the Audit & Risk Assurance Committee
To note the Audit and Risk Assurance Annual Report – April 2022 to April 2023.

12. Financial update
To note the Year End Outturn 2022
To note the Management Accounts for 2023

13. Any other business