Apologies for Absence
1.Apologies for Absence
2.Members’ Interests
3.Minutes of the open session meeting of 11 September 2018
To approve the open session minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2018.
4.Matters Arising Report
To note the update report on actions agreed from previous meeting.
5.ARB’s Investments
To agree the Board Investment Strategy and the re-appointment of the Board’s Investment Broker.
6.Investigations and Professional Conduct Committee Rules
To review the consultation responses and agree amendments to the Investigations and PCC Rules.
Cover Paper
Annex A
Annex B
7.General Rules
To agree amendments to the General Rules for consultation.
Cover paper
Annex A
Annex B
8.Board Members Handbook
To consider the amendments to the Board Handbook to realign with the amended Architects Act 1997 coming into effect on 7 January 2019.
Cover paper
Annex A
Annex B
9.Hackitt Working Group 7
To agree plans for continuity of the membership for the Working Group.
10.Staff Benevolent Fund
To agree changes to the appointment of the Trustees of the Staff Benevolent Fund.
11.Prescription Committee Terms of Reference
To agree minor changes amendments to the Prescription Committee’s Terms of Reference for consultation.
12.Investigations Oversight Committee
To agree a change to the IOC’s Terms of Reference.
Cover paper
Annex A
13.Chair’s Report
To note a report on matters relating to the conduct of the Board’s business.
14.Operational Activities Report
To note a report from the ARB team on matters relating to the running of the Board’s business.
15.EU Exit
To hear an update on EU exit planning (verbal update).
16.Business as Usual Review of the Criteria Procedures for the Prescription of Qualifications
Update on the Business as Usual Reviews of the Criteria and Procedures for the Prescription of Qualifications (verbal update).
17.Management Accounts
To note ARB’s financial position as at 31 October 2018.
Cover paper
Annex A
To note the draft minutes of:
i) The Investigations Oversight Committee meeting of 21 September 2018
ii) The Audit Committee meeting of 18 October 2018 (to follow)