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Date Agenda Minutes
1 April 2019 Agenda: 01/04/2019 Minutes: 01/04/2019
17 May 2019 Agenda: 17/05/2019 Minutes: 17/05/2019
19 July 2019 Agenda: 19/07/2019 Minutes: 19/07/2019
29 July 2019 Agenda: 29/07/2019 Minutes: 29/07/2019
11 September 2019 Agenda: 11/09/2019 Minutes: 11/09/2019
9 December 2019 Agenda: 09/12/2019 Minutes: 09/12/2019

Attending Board Meetings

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend open meetings of the Architects Registration Board held at our offices in Weymouth Street.  We would ask you to note the guidance below, and respect the requests that are made.

  • Because of space constraints, there is a limit to the number of people who can be accommodated.  The Registrar & Chief Executive reserves the right to refuse admittance once the available spaces have been filled.
  • Agenda papers for the open session of Board meetings will be available on this page of the website four working days prior to meetings.
  • Members of the press and public who attend Board meetings must refrain from interrupting the proceedings in any way.  The Chair reserves the right to request, at any time, that a member of the press or public leave the meeting.
  • Matters discussed by the Board may be reported.  During these discussions, any views or opinions expressed by individual Board members to inform the debate remain personal to them.  The oucome of any discussion, as agreed by the majority of Board members present, will constitute the Board’s decision, as summarised by the Chair.
  • At the close of the open meeting, the Chair will invite questions on matters discussed at the meeting from members of the press/public.
  • Any member of the press/public requiring clarification on any of the issues discussed during the meeting should address their queries to the Registrar & Chief Executive.


NB. Some aspects of the Board’s proceedings, for example, those relating to third parties, are confidential in nature.  These items will not be dealt with in the open session of the meeting.

If you would like to attend a Board meeting, please telephone the office on 020 7580 5861, or you can send an email to info@arb.org.uk.