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Technical Notice: Providing services including those of a qualified professional if there’s no Brexit deal

October 12, 2018 | News Release

Government has published its next batch of technical notices to help business and citizens prepare in the event of a ‘no deal’ scenario.  While the government continues to work on a deal they are preparing for all eventualities, including ‘no deal’, until they can be certain of the outcome of those negotiations.

We recognise that many may have questions about what Brexit and the government’s latest technical notice on Providing services including those of a qualified professional if there’s no Brexit deal means for the regulation of the architects’ profession.

The technical notice explains that, in the event of a ‘no deal’ scenario, after 29 March 2019 the Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications Directive 2005/36/EC (MRPQD) would no longer apply to the UK and there would be no reciprocal recognition of professional qualifications between the UK and the European Economic Area (EEA).  It adds that the UK would ensure professionals arriving in the UK from the EEA after the exit date will have, through a new procedure, a means to seek recognition of their qualifications.

The notice also states that, in a ‘no deal’ scenario:

  • EEA professionals who have already established and received a recognition decision in the UK would not be effected
  • EEA professionals who have applied for a recognition decision and are awaiting a decision would, as far as possible, be able to conclude their applications in line with the provisions of the MRPQD
  • EEA professionals who have not yet started an application for a recognition decision in the UK before the exit day would be subject to future arrangements
  • those with UK qualifications seeking recognition in the EEA would need to check the host state national policies – for further information on the EU Commission’s position on Professional Qualifications in the event of a ‘no deal’ scenario can be found here.

Government has stated their commitment to working with UK regulators and will share details of the new procedure in due course.  We will be having discussions with government in order to gain the information we need to fully understand the expectations and practical implications for the profession.

We will provide further information as soon as we know more – in the meantime our Brexit FAQs are available and provide information on the current regulatory position.



Notes for Editors

ARB is the statutory body established by Parliament under the Architects Act 1997 to regulate the UK architects’ profession in the public interest. The Act requires ARB (among other things) to:

  • Maintain the Register of Architects (Section 3)
  • Prescribe qualifications for entry to the Register of Architects (Section 4)
  • Deal with competence to practise (Section 9)
  • Issue a Code which lays down standards of professional conduct and practice (Section 13)
  • Regulate use of the title “architect” and prosecute those who use it unlawfully (Section 20)

ARB currently has a Board of 15 members, either elected or appointed, to represent the interests of consumers and users of architectural services.

For further information, please contact Kate Howlett, Communications Lead, on 020 7580 5861 or by email at KateH@arb.org.uk.