ARB’s Publication Scheme & the Freedom of Information Act
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires public authorities such as ARB to adopt a publication scheme that sets out information that we make available to the public. ARB has a commitment to transparency and ensuring that its publication scheme continues to comply with the advice and guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office.
The Information Commissioner, who is independent, is responsible for promoting good practice and ensuring compliance with the Freedom of Information Act. The Information Commissioner’s Office is the leading source of guidance about the Act.
What information does ARB make available?
ARB is committed to making information readily available to the public wherever it is possible and practical to do so. This document helps us to operate as transparently as a regulatory body can do. In most cases the information you are looking for will be available on our website, and there will be no need for you to make a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act. However, if you cannot access the information you want, you can write to us to make a request for information.
Our core statutory functions are such that some information will not routinely be made available to the public. The Information Commissioner’s Office provides more detailed guidance on the type of information which is not required to be made available under the Freedom of Information Act.
ARB’s publication scheme has been developed in line with the Information Commissioner’s Model Publications Scheme. The information we routinely make available is grouped under seven ‘classes of information’.
- Who we are and what we do
- What we spend and how we spend it
- What our priorities are and how we are doing
- How we make decisions
- Our policies and procedures
- Lists and registers
- The services we offer
How up to date is the publication scheme?
Most of the information that we make available will be current. However, for certain classes of information, it may be necessary to publish the information retrospectively.
Information will not be made available indefinitely. We are committed to providing the public with as much information as is practicably possible. It is important, however, that we provide only relevant and up-to-date information.