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  • John Counsell

John Counsell

John Counsell

ARB Examiner

John studied at the Welsh School of Architecture. Following registration as an architect, he first specialised in conservation, then worked in multi-disciplinary practices in the UK and in Bahrain.  He later started a rural and heritage focused architectural practice with partners in Wells, and a CAD consultancy with part time teaching. This led to 4 years as a consultant, implementing early building information modelling.

In 1995, he became a senior lecturer and researcher in Built Environment at UWE, Bristol. In 2008 he moved to Cardiff School of Art and Design, as Head of Architectural Studies, and later Head of Masters Studies. He was moderator for the Princes Foundation MA in Sustainable Urbanism, an external examiner at Robert Gordon University, ran a foundation degree in sustainable construction, and taught on a Professional Doctorate in Ecological Built Environment. He recently assisted development of an UG and Masters overseas degree programme in Architecture, mapping against ARB criteria.

He left Cardiff School of Art and Design in September 2017, still supervising PhD students as an external, engaging with the Sustainable Regeneration Hub and the Ecological Built Environment Research and Enterprise group. He is also undertaking some specialist heritage consultancy.

Annual Register of Interests 2020

Membership of Formal Groups:
RIBA, Higher Education Academy

Business, Professional or Social Relationships:

Companies or Associations which you or members of your family are officers or employees or in which you or they have beneficial interests:
N/A (Director of Trewen Wales Limited, a small training and design practice focused organisation based in South Wales.)

Involvement in Partnerships, Joint Ventures or Consortia:

Professional Relationships with individuals, organisations or businesses that might have relationships with ARB:
I am still an ‘academic associate’ of Cardiff Metropolitan University, and undertaking some PhD supervision as an external, as well as continuing some engagement with some university research centres.


John Counsell

ARB Examiner

John studied at the Welsh School of Architecture. Following registration as an architect, he first specialised in conservation, then worked in multi-disciplinary practices in the UK and in Bahrain.  He later started a rural and heritage focused architectural practice with partners in Wells, and a CAD consultancy with part time teaching. This led to 4 years as a consultant, implementing early building information modelling.

In 1995, he became a senior lecturer and researcher in Built Environment at UWE, Bristol. In 2008 he moved to Cardiff School of Art and Design, as Head of Architectural Studies, and later Head of Masters Studies. He was moderator for the Princes Foundation MA in Sustainable Urbanism, an external examiner at Robert Gordon University, ran a foundation degree in sustainable construction, and taught on a Professional Doctorate in Ecological Built Environment. He recently assisted development of an UG and Masters overseas degree programme in Architecture, mapping against ARB criteria.

He left Cardiff School of Art and Design in September 2017, still supervising PhD students as an external, engaging with the Sustainable Regeneration Hub and the Ecological Built Environment Research and Enterprise group. He is also undertaking some specialist heritage consultancy.

Annual Register of Interests 2020

Membership of Formal Groups:
RIBA, Higher Education Academy

Business, Professional or Social Relationships:

Companies or Associations which you or members of your family are officers or employees or in which you or they have beneficial interests:
N/A (Director of Trewen Wales Limited, a small training and design practice focused organisation based in South Wales.)

Involvement in Partnerships, Joint Ventures or Consortia:

Professional Relationships with individuals, organisations or businesses that might have relationships with ARB:
I am still an ‘academic associate’ of Cardiff Metropolitan University, and undertaking some PhD supervision as an external, as well as continuing some engagement with some university research centres.
