Derek Cottrell

Derek Cottrell
Independent Examiners
Independent Examiner
Derek Cottrell is a founding Director of HEIS Associates Ltd. In addition to substantial practice as a Principal Chartered Architect and Town Planner, Derek has 28 years’ experience as an academic. He became Head of Built Environment at Hull School of Architecture in 1994 and subsequently Head of Architecture. He led the creation of the new Lincoln School of Architecture in 2003 and continued as Senior Academic/Head of School until 2014. Subsequently, in 2016/17, he was Interim Head of the Leicester School of Architecture.
Derek has been a member of the CABE Design Review Panel for the East Midlands, a CABE representative in Yorkshire and Humberside and Chair of the Lincoln Design Review Panel. At the University of Lincoln, Derek founded the Liveable Cities research and consultancy group.
He became an ARB Independent Examiner in 2015 and has been an External Examiner for RIBA NW (in the UK and Hong Kong), the University of Westminster, Southampton Solent University and Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore, as well as an External Adviser to the University of Ulster, Birmingham City University, Sheffield Hallam University and the University of Derby.
Derek was entered onto the Architect Register in 1976 following study at Sheffield University where he gained a First Class honours degree. He was a full member of the Royal Town Planning Institute for 30 years until 2017. His practice experience as an architect and urban designer in public and private offices includes being founding partner of Parkes Cottrell and the Principal of Praxis Design. Derek also taught architecture part–time at Birmingham School of Architecture for twelve years.
Specialities: Architecture, Urban Design, Housing Development, Professional Practice, Higher Education, and Quality Management
Annual Register of Interests 2020
Membership of Formal Groups:
Registered Architect
Business, Professional or Social Relationships:
Employee, Odgers Interim
Director, Turning Heads Design (retired)
Companies or Associations which you or members of your family are officers or employees or in which you or they have beneficial interests:
Director, HEIS Design Ltd, Newark
Involvement in Partnerships, Joint Ventures or Consortia:
Professional Relationships with individuals, organisations or businesses that might have relationships with ARB:
Derek Cottrell

Independent Examiners
Independent Examiner
Derek Cottrell is a founding Director of HEIS Associates Ltd. In addition to substantial practice as a Principal Chartered Architect and Town Planner, Derek has 28 years’ experience as an academic. He became Head of Built Environment at Hull School of Architecture in 1994 and subsequently Head of Architecture. He led the creation of the new Lincoln School of Architecture in 2003 and continued as Senior Academic/Head of School until 2014. Subsequently, in 2016/17, he was Interim Head of the Leicester School of Architecture.
Derek has been a member of the CABE Design Review Panel for the East Midlands, a CABE representative in Yorkshire and Humberside and Chair of the Lincoln Design Review Panel. At the University of Lincoln, Derek founded the Liveable Cities research and consultancy group.
He became an ARB Independent Examiner in 2015 and has been an External Examiner for RIBA NW (in the UK and Hong Kong), the University of Westminster, Southampton Solent University and Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore, as well as an External Adviser to the University of Ulster, Birmingham City University, Sheffield Hallam University and the University of Derby.
Derek was entered onto the Architect Register in 1976 following study at Sheffield University where he gained a First Class honours degree. He was a full member of the Royal Town Planning Institute for 30 years until 2017. His practice experience as an architect and urban designer in public and private offices includes being founding partner of Parkes Cottrell and the Principal of Praxis Design. Derek also taught architecture part–time at Birmingham School of Architecture for twelve years.
Specialities: Architecture, Urban Design, Housing Development, Professional Practice, Higher Education, and Quality Management
Annual Register of Interests 2020
Membership of Formal Groups:
Registered Architect
Business, Professional or Social Relationships:
Employee, Odgers Interim
Director, Turning Heads Design (retired)
Companies or Associations which you or members of your family are officers or employees or in which you or they have beneficial interests:
Director, HEIS Design Ltd, Newark
Involvement in Partnerships, Joint Ventures or Consortia:
Professional Relationships with individuals, organisations or businesses that might have relationships with ARB: