Christine Morgan

Christine Morgan
Accreditation Committee
Christine’s professional background includes a successful full time career in Education with Leadership roles in schools, Ofsted and Local Government focusing on improvement in standards.
Due to ill–health and disability Christine moved to a part-time working portfolio which has included significant non-executive experience with a range of NHS organisations in addition to Independent Lay roles involving policy improvements for patients, carers and disabled people in health and social care. This portfolio has included voluntary work in the charity sector with fundraiser, trustee and chair roles.
Christine has experience of regulation in public services and with the Health and Care Professions Council as a Lay Partner/Visitor in the monitoring and approval of Standards of Education and Training.
Declarations of Interests
British Medical Journal(BMJ) Peer/Patient review of research papers
Christine Morgan

Accreditation Committee
Christine’s professional background includes a successful full time career in Education with Leadership roles in schools, Ofsted and Local Government focusing on improvement in standards.
Due to ill–health and disability Christine moved to a part-time working portfolio which has included significant non-executive experience with a range of NHS organisations in addition to Independent Lay roles involving policy improvements for patients, carers and disabled people in health and social care. This portfolio has included voluntary work in the charity sector with fundraiser, trustee and chair roles.
Christine has experience of regulation in public services and with the Health and Care Professions Council as a Lay Partner/Visitor in the monitoring and approval of Standards of Education and Training.
Declarations of Interests
British Medical Journal(BMJ) Peer/Patient review of research papers