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Fees for accreditation

Page updated 06 March 2025

ARB has confirmed its accreditation fees for 2025. The fees are as follows:

Annual accreditation fee  

  • An annual fee of £6,500 to each provider of accredited qualifications. 
  • Providers offering multiple qualifications are charged £6,500 + 10% per accredited qualification. 
  • There is a reduced annual fee of £1,500 for providers offering Part 1/Level 6 qualifications only, with a 10% supplement per qualification for those providers with multiple Part 1 qualifications. 
  • Providers will be charged the full annual fee and invoiced on 1 August with a 30-day payment period.  
  • There are no additional fees for accreditation reviews. 

Application fees for new qualifications 

  • A £12,500 fee for a new master’s-level qualification (that will deliver the Academic Outcomes). 
  • A £12,500 fee for a new ‘combined’ qualification (that will deliver both the Academic and Practice Outcomes). 
  • A £6,500 fee for a new practice qualification (that will deliver the Practice Outcomes). 
  • For all new applications 50% will be invoiced and be paid on receipt of application (Stage 1) and 50% invoiced and paid on receipt of final submissions (Stage 3). 
  • One fee will be charged per application regardless of the number of qualifications in that submission (multi-qualification application).  
  • All qualifications within a multi-qualification application must follow the same submission timeline throughout the accreditation process (Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3). 
  • The fee rate of a ‘master’s level qualification’ or ‘combined’ qualification will be changed when included in any multi-qualification application.  

      Calculating the revised fees

      The fee schedule is based on the principle of cost recovery and must not exceed the reasonable costs of providing the service. This follows the Board’s position and the intention of the legislation underpinning the fees that the costs of accreditation should be borne by learning providers, and not individual architects.  

      The service covers ARB accreditation activities including:  

      • the process of assessing data returns and the quality assurance process as a whole; 
      • the work of the new Accreditation Committee;  
      • visits to providers as part of accreditation applications and reviews. 

      Further detail on accreditation activities and principles are set out in the Accreditation Rules. 

      The quality assurance we conduct for accreditation focuses on an assessment of how the Standards for Learning Providers are met. The size of the provider has minimal impact on ARB’s quality assurance work in assessing those Standards.  Currently ARB have calculated that the marginal effort is approximately 10% for each additional qualification. 

      When fees are required to be paid

      All accredited learning providers will be invoiced in August for the annual accreditation fee. Providers will be required to pay fees for the application of new qualifications as and when those applications are received by ARB. 

      Please send questions regarding fees to corporate@arb.org.uk 

      Frequently Asked Questions
      What is ARB’s role in accreditation?

      The Architects Act 1997 places statutory responsibilities on ARB. We ensure only those who are suitably competent are allowed to practise as architects. We do this by approving the architecture qualifications required to join the Register of architects. We prescribe or accredit qualifications that demonstrate the achievement of the required learning and practical experience. This means that only professionals with ARB-accredited qualifications (or who apply through one of our international routes to registration) can join the UK Register of Architects. 

      Why does ARB charge fees for accreditation?

      In 2021, the government consulted on a number of reforms to ARB’s legislation, including the introduction of a new responsibility for ARB to monitor the way architects manage their Continuing Professional Development (CPD). The government also consulted on changes which allow ARB to charge fees to cover the costs of specific regulatory activities. This power, which brought ARB into line with other professional regulatory bodies, meant that the costs of accreditation no longer have to be met by individual architects through the annual registration fee, but would be met by the universities who benefit from the accreditation of qualifications.

      Legislation is clear that the amount charged must not exceed the reasonable costs of providing the service, and we will not use the fee to generate profit to fund other areas of work.

      How are the fees used? 

      The fees are set on a cost recovery basis and are used to fund the accreditation work for which they’re being charged, carried out by ARB and the Accreditation Committee which operates independently from the Board. This work covers the consideration of new applications for accreditation, accreditation reviews, and requests for changes to existing qualifications. It includes the process of assessing data returns and the quality assurance process as a whole and organising tailored visits to institutions when needed.


      Can ARB reduce the fee for smaller learning providers? 

      The fees are set on a cost recovery basis. While learning providers can vary in size, the work that ARB and the Accreditation Committee must do to be assured of the quality of a qualification does not vary significantly according to the size of a learning provider. We must follow the same processes and carry out the same checks for the smallest provider as we do for the largest.   

      Each accredited learning provider is charged an annual fee of £6,500, and providers who offer multiple qualifications will be charged an additional 10% per accredited qualification. The 10% addition is based on a thorough analysis of the work we expect to undertake, which indicates that there will be some additional work required to gather and analyse data for providers with multiple qualifications. This would include reading examiner reports and assessing student data, including pass marks, attrition rates, and staffing ratios.   

      If the fees are set on a cost recovery basis and learning providers were charged a reduced annual fee during the first year (2024), why can’t this be continued?

      The reduced fees were a temporary measure for the first year of the new model. ARB was able to fund the difference between the fees received and overall costs from its reserves for this initial period.

      If ARB isn’t accrediting Part 1, why are you charging an annual fee for it? 

      Under the new framework, in the future, ARB will no longer accredit courses based on the old model of Parts 1, 2 and 3. Instead, ARB will accredit courses offered by providers that meet the Standards for Learning Providers and associated measures, including delivering the Academic and Practice Outcomes needed to join the Register.  

      Under the current timeline for implementation of the new framework, existing Part 1 courses will continue to be accredited until December 2027. ARB will continue to monitor existing qualifications on a proportionate risk basis, with the new Accreditation Committee making decisions related to continued prescription and any associated conditions imposed. The costs of this work still has to be covered.  

      How does ARB define a ‘new qualification’? 

      ARB expects the learning outcomes of all qualifications to change in order to deliver the new Outcomes and remain accredited. Even if a provider’s internal processes suggest a major course change, this may not mean that a new qualification application and fee is required for ARB.   

      Where a provider is looking to make like-for-like changes (for example, by revising a two-year Part 2 to become a two-year master’s-level qualification), a staggered approach will be taken. Through this transition route, providers will need to demonstrate compliance with the Outcomes and Standards over a two- to three-year period through a combination of a transition change application and submissions alongside forthcoming annual monitoring returns.  

      Changes considered through this transition route will not be classed as new qualifications and will not incur a new qualification application fee.  

      Factors that may indicate that a new qualification application (to be submitted at least two years prior to commencement) and fee will be required include:  

      • The introduction of a new master’s-level qualification  
      • The introduction of a dual award qualification where a single award qualification was previously accredited  
      • The introduction of master’s-level or practice qualifications where Part 2 and/or Part 3 were not previously held  
      • The introduction of new qualifications in addition to any being considered through the transition change process  
      • Changes to the length of course, for example applications for a course integrating the Level 6 and Level 7 master’s course which changes the duration (e.g. from a five year to four-year course)  

      The list above is not exhaustive. A pragmatic view will be taken of the nature of proposed changes to each qualification and whether they can be considered under the transition route or the new qualification application route.  

      Learning providers should contact ARB as early as possible (qualifications@arb.org.uk) to discuss any planned changes and the most appropriate application process(es) in advance of internal approval and any submission to ARB.

      How often is the fee schedule be reviewed?

      We review our costs and fees annually. The fees are set on a cost recovery basis, meaning that the fee schedule will be revised if or when our costs change. Details relating to the costs of delivery accreditation of qualifications will be published within ARB’s Annual Report and Financial Statements.

      Can ARB align the fees with other regulators? 

      The fee schedule is based on the principle of cost recovery and covers the costs of carrying out the specific work we must do to be assured of the quality of any qualifications we accredit. We have carried out desktop research to benchmark our costs and there is significant variation in relation to the governing legislation of other bodies, how they calculate costs and their quality assurance methodologies. We will publish information about our accreditation costs on an annual basis to support transparency.