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Standards for Learning Providers

The Architects Act 1997 (the Act) places statutory duties on the Architects Registration Board (ARB) to set out the initial education and training required to join the Register (the Competency Outcomes for Architects – the Outcomes); and to ‘prescribe’ (accredit) the qualifications that demonstrate achievement of that learning and practical experience.  


Page updated 28 May 2024

In order for a qualification to be accredited, the Standards for Learning Providers (the Standards) must be met.

There are six Standards:

  1. Educational Content
  2. Assessments
  3. Governance and Leadership
  4. Human Resources
  5. Teaching and Learning Resources
  6. Student Support

Each Standard is underpinned by a number of measures. Accreditation can be sought for an eligible qualification (see below) if the learning provider (the provider) can satisfy the Standards through the associated measures.  The order of the Standards and measures is not hierarchical.

For each Standard, we have set out the evidence that will typically be expected to show compliance with that Standard (some evidence will be relevant to more than one measure and Standard).  However, the information given is not exhaustive.  Please also note the following:

  • While unlikely to be necessary for most applications, other evidence can be submitted if the provider specifies how it contributes to demonstrating that a Standard or measure is met. However, ARB is not required to take account of any material that it does not consider relevant to accreditation.
  • ARB can require a provider to submit additional evidence that is not explicitly covered by the Standards or measures or outlined here and that is relevant to accreditation. 
  • Qualification proposals, applications and supporting evidence must be credible.  Where relevant, consideration will be given to the context of similar qualifications delivered elsewhere; though the accreditation process, requirements and Standards are designed to accommodate a range of providers and qualifications.

If a qualification is accredited, ongoing compliance with the Standards will be monitored so that accreditation can be retained.


Accreditation can be sought for three types of qualifications:

  1. ‘Master’s-level’ qualifications1 that will encompass the Academic Outcomes
  2. ‘Practice’ qualifications that will encompass the Practice Outcomes
  3. ‘Combined’ qualifications that will encompass both Academic and Practice Outcomes

The Academic Outcomes must be achieved before the Practice Outcomes.

Only qualifications offered by UK providers will be eligible for accreditation – ARB does not accredit non-UK qualifications.  Where a provider plans to offer a qualification both within and outside the UK, accreditation can be sought for the UK programme, but the award title must be demonstrably different to the non-UK equivalent.2

Providers seeking accreditation of qualifications that will deliver the Academic Outcomes must have taught degree awarding powers (TDAP), or have an academic partnership agreement with a UK institution that holds TDAP.  This is not required for providers of qualifications that will only deliver the Practice Outcomes; though such providers and qualifications will still be expected to operate in line with relevant UK higher education quality assurance processes, regulations and frameworks.

Accreditation can be sought for qualifications that will sit within the Level 7 architect apprenticeship framework.  However, ARB accreditation and satisfaction of the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education’s (IfATE) apprenticeship standard are separate processes – the ARB accreditation process will not check for compliance with IfATE requirements. 

Further information about eligibility for accreditation relevant to new qualifications is given in the Accreditation Process for New Qualifications section of the Handbook.


1 To FHEQ Level 7/SCQF Level 11.  Qualifications to bachelor’s degree-level only (to FHEQ Level 6 or below/SCQF Level 10 or below) will not be eligible for accreditation.

2 In exceptional circumstances, UK practice qualifications that will be offered overseas may be eligible for accreditation.  These will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Standard 1: Educational Content

Qualifications are designed, developed, delivered and reviewed to ensure that those who are awarded the qualification have met the Outcomes at the relevant level.

In order to demonstrate compliance with this Standard through the associated measures, providers will normally be expected to submit evidence of the following:

  • Mapping document showing where the Outcomes are met3
  • Programme specification3
  • Module descriptors3
  • Qualification structure diagram, showing where the modules are taken in relation to one another
  • Internal validation report and approval
  • External examiner reports
  • External examiner handbook
  • Mechanisms for regular internal and external reviews of the qualification

3 For new qualification applications, the mapping, programme specification and module descriptors must be submitted to ARB twice. At Stage 2, these documents must be the proposed versions that have not yet been internally validated by the provider. At Stage 3, these documents must be the final versions following full internal approval (i.e. the main validation event must have taken place and the qualification had final approval following confirmation of compliance with any internal validation conditions resulting from the validation event).


The Accreditation Committee (the Committee) must be assured that the qualification will deliver the Outcomes to the relevant level, and that there will be review processes in place that ensure ongoing delivery of the Outcomes and compliance with the Standards.

Providers will be able to demonstrate that they can meet this Standard by:


Showing how the qualification delivers the relevant Outcomes.

The provider must complete ARB’s mapping document to demonstrate where in the qualification the Outcomes will be met at passing standard. The mapping must correlate with the information provided in other materials (e.g. programme specification, module descriptors). Discrepancies and inaccuracies in and between these documents may cause delays to the application process.

In module descriptors, the mapped ARB Outcomes must be clearly identifiable against/in the associated module learning outcomes – the correlation must be plain to students and non-experts.



Regularly reviewing the qualification content to ensure continued delivery of the Outcomes, and compliance with this Standard.

Providers will have mechanisms to regularly review (formally and/or informally) the educational content of the qualification. Applications will include information about these internal and external reviews – procedures, timetable/schedule, how ARB’s Outcomes and Standards will be accounted for, and how the provider will respond to and act on review findings and external examiner reports.

External reviews would be those involving external panel members not otherwise connected to the qualification or institution (e.g. periodic reviews that include panel members from other providers delivering accredited architecture qualifications); or undertaken by another professional, statutory and regulatory body (PSRB) relevant to the built environment.

Applications will show that, in their annual reports, external examiners will be expected to comment on whether the qualification delivers ARB’s Outcomes to the relevant level; whether standards are appropriate for a qualification of that level; and comparability with other accredited UK qualifications.

If the qualification is accredited, the provider will be required to submit external examiner and review reports/findings, and the provider’s responses to those reports/findings and any resultant action plan(s) as part of annual monitoring.

Where a provider intends to make changes to an accredited qualification, proposed changes must be approved by ARB before they are implemented.


Standard 2: Assessments

Assessments are designed, developed, delivered and reviewed to ensure that those who are awarded the qualification have met the Outcomes.

In order to demonstrate compliance with this Standard through the associated measures, providers will normally be expected to submit evidence of the following:

  • Mapping document showing where the Outcomes are met
  • Module descriptors
  • Grade descriptors
  • Copy of the certificate that will be awarded to successful graduates
  • Quality assurance processes/quality handbook
  • Assessment regulations and procedures
  • Contingency plans for assessments in the event of disruption 
  • Compensation and condonement policy and procedure
  • Study abroad and placement year policy and procedure, where relevant
  • Policy and procedures for monitoring and approving practice experience, where relevant
  • External examiner reports
  • External examiner handbook
  • Mechanisms for regular internal and external reviews of assessments

The Accreditation Committee must be assured that the assessments will test the Outcomes at the relevant level; that robust quality assurance mechanisms will be in place so that only those that have met the Outcomes at the relevant level will receive the award; and that there will be review processes that will ensure ongoing delivery of the Outcomes and compliance with the Standards.

Providers will be able to demonstrate that they can meet this Standard by:


Showing how assessments fairly test whether the student has met the Outcomes at the relevant level.

The provider must complete ARB’s mapping document to show where the Outcomes will be assessed to passing standard.  The mapping must correlate with the information provided in other materials (e.g. programme specification, module descriptors).  Discrepancies and inaccuracies in and between these documents may cause delays to the application process.

The module descriptors must clearly set out the method(s) of assessment and the pass mark.  Descriptors of modules with more than one assessment component will show the weighting of and learning outcomes attached to each component.  Compensation and/or condonement are not permitted for any module that will assess ARB’s Outcomes to passing standard.

A copy of the certificate that will be awarded to successful graduates is required.  Please note the following:

  1. If the application is successful, the title on this certificate will be the accredited award that will be listed on Schedule 1 of ARB’s General Rules. Schedule 1 sets out the accredited qualifications that ARB will accept for the purposes of registration.
  2. Only graduates with a certificate stating an award title that exactly matches the title listed on Schedule 1 will have an accredited qualification.
  3. Individuals wishing to join the Register are required to submit their award certificate(s) as evidence that they have achieved the relevant accredited qualification(s).  If the title on a graduate’s certificate does not exactly match the title listed on Schedule 1, that graduate will not have an accredited qualification and their registration application will be rejected accordingly.
  4. The school/department of architecture will be responsible for routinely liaising with the department that produces their award certificates to ensure that the accredited title will be stated correctly.
  5. Following each and every set of examinations, the provider will be required to submit to ARB the pass list of graduates who received the accredited qualification and a copy of the certificate awarded to that cohort.

Applications will include evidence that quality assurance processes and assessment regulations will be in line with the UK Quality Code for Higher Education; and quality assurance regulations and frameworks applicable to the UK country of delivery.

Evidence will be expected (e.g. within assessment regulations and procedures) of second marking and moderation; of how the provider will account for PSRB requirements; of mechanisms to prevent, identify and deal with academic misconduct; and of how assessments will be managed in the event of disruption (procedures for changing, approving and running assessments, and for notifying ARB of any such changes at the time) to ensure quality and standards will be maintained.

Where periods of study abroad or in a work placement will be available, details of the arrangements and how the provider will ensure students will meet all of ARB’s Outcomes at the relevant level will be required.

Where relevant, applications must include details of what the provider’s approach will be to monitoring and approving students’ practice experience to determine whether ARB’s practical training requirements have been satisfied.4  This will include who will be responsible for overseeing students’ experience, and the policy and procedure for recording, reviewing and signing it off.


4 ARB’s existing practical training requirements will remain in place until the independent Commission on Professional Practical Experience (PPE) has concluded and made its recommendations to the Board (anticipated to be the end of 2024), and decisions as to future PPE requirements and rules have been agreed.



Showing how external examiners provide assurance about the rigour of assessment arrangements and that those who are awarded the qualification have met the Outcomes.

The provider must submit information about the materials that external examiners will receive to enable them to undertake their role, as well as details about what external examiners will review (including sample size and range).  ARB expects that external examiners will review a sufficient range of work to enable them to form a view about overall standards, and whether students had met all of ARB’s Outcomes.

Applications will show that, in their annual reports, all external examiners will explicitly confirm whether – on the basis of the work reviewed – they were satisfied that all those who received the award had met all ARB Outcomes at the relevant level.5  This will be in addition to commenting on whether the qualification delivers the Outcomes to the relevant level (required under Standard 1 above), and on the rigour of assessment processes and practice (e.g. compliance with assessment regulations, fairness of assessment procedures, comparability of standards to other providers’ qualifications).


5 Broad reference(s) to general PSRB requirements having been met will not be sufficient for this purpose.



Regularly reviewing the content and procedures of assessments to ensure continued delivery of the Outcomes, and compliance with relevant quality assurance processes, regulations and frameworks.

Providers will have mechanisms to regularly monitor (formally and/or informally) that the assessments continue to be appropriate to test the Outcomes and maintain standards.  Applications will include information about these internal and external reviews – procedures, timetable/schedule, how ARB’s Outcomes and Standards and relevant QA frameworks will be accounted for, and how the provider will respond to and act on review findings and external examiner reports.

If the qualification is accredited, the provider will be required to submit external examiner and review reports/findings, and the provider’s responses to those reports/findings and any resultant action plan(s) as part of annual monitoring.


Standard 3: Governance and Leadership

Providers will have effective governance and leadership to ensure the quality of education and training, and instil a culture of equality, continuous improvement, transparency and accountability.

In order to demonstrate compliance with this Standard through the associated measures, providers will normally be expected to submit evidence of the following:

  • Governance structure diagram(s)
  • Policies and procedures relating to reasonable adjustments and extenuating circumstances
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) policy/strategy and procedures
  • Staff and external examiner responsibilities, training and reporting mechanisms in relation to EDI
  • Mechanisms for gathering staff, student and stakeholder feedback to inform policies, systems or processes
  • Means for concerns about the provider’s compliance with the Standards to be reported and acted upon
  • Collection and analysis of applicant and student protected characteristics, and approach to addressing policies and procedures that disadvantage students based on protected characteristics
  • Admissions requirements, policy and rationale
  • Advanced/direct entry policy and procedure

The Accreditation Committee must be assured that staff and students will be treated fairly; that the provider and its staff understand and meet their obligations relating to equality, diversity and inclusion, and will be equipped to prevent, identify and address discrimination and disadvantage; and that governance and leadership will ensure ongoing compliance with the Standards and conditions of accreditation.

Providers will be able to demonstrate that they can meet this Standard by:


Having a governance system that treats staff and students fairly, and delivers education, assessment and training in a way that fulfils the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion.

To enable contextual understanding, applications will include a diagram(s) showing where the school/department of architecture sits within the structure of the wider institution; and the committees/boards/decision-making bodies to which the school/department is accountable.

Applications will demonstrate how the provider actively promotes and will maintain a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion.  Policies and procedures for reasonable adjustments (for staff and students) and students’ extenuating circumstances will be expected, along with how the provider will ensure that staff and students are aware of these.

Information about the EDI scheme will include how the efficacy of the policy/strategy will be monitored; and show that there will be clear mechanisms for staff and students to raise concerns about or report incidents of discrimination, bullying or harassment, and how such reports will be promptly acted upon.  There should be means by which the school/department will be able to escalate matters or take action in the event of an issue arising that the institution-wide policy/procedure does not address or in a timely manner.

Information will also be expected about how the provider will ensure that staff and external examiners are familiar with the EDI policy/strategy and their responsibilities under it, the training staff will undertake regarding EDI matters and how frequently this will be updated/refreshed.



Showing how feedback is sought and the views of students, staff and relevant stakeholders contribute to the development of policies, systems or processes that relate to these Standards.

The mechanisms for gathering feedback from students, staff and relevant stakeholders will be summarised in applications; along with how these views will be taken into account by the provider when developing the qualification and policies, processes and resources relevant to the Standards.

If the qualification is accredited, such feedback will be expected in the internal and external review reports/findings and resultant action plan(s) that must be submitted as part of annual monitoring.



Having appropriate systems for students, staff and third parties to raise concerns about the provider’s compliance with these Standards, for investigating those concerns, and documenting and reporting any action taken.

Applications will demonstrate how ARB requirements will be accounted for in review, quality assurance and governance processes; and how students, staff and third parties will be made aware of the Standards.

There will be mechanisms for comments or concerns about compliance with the Standards or conditions of accreditation to be reported to (with the option to do so anonymously) and investigated by the provider, and for responses and actions to be documented and monitored.  It is expected that these mechanisms will include means for the school/department of architecture to raise concerns with the wider institution if the school/department feels it is at risk of not fulfilling any of the Standards or conditions.    

Details will also be provided of who (which post/posts/department) will be responsible for informing ARB of issues or possible issues relating to compliance with the Standards and/or conditions of accreditation.  If the qualification is accredited, the provider must report to ARB any such issues and action(s) being/to be taken.



Recording and analysing the protected characteristics of applicants and students, and taking documented action where that analysis shows that any policy, system or process be disadvantaging any of those groups.

The provider will outline what data will be collected about applicants’ and students’ protected characteristics; how that data will be monitored and analysed to identify if any groups may be disadvantaged by the provider’s policies, processes or systems; and how the provider will take action to address disadvantage or inequality.

Should the qualification be accredited, the provider will be required to submit the following data on applicants, new entrants and the graduating cohort as part of annual monitoring:

  • Applicants – age, disability, ethnicity, sex
  • New entrants and graduating cohort – age, disability, ethnicity, religion/belief, sex, sexual orientation

Where policies or procedures are identified as disadvantaging any groups, such findings will be expected in the internal and external review reports/findings and resultant action plans that must be submitted as part of annual monitoring.



Having systems in place to accurately recognise applicants’ academic and/or professional experience and suitability at the point of admission.

Providers will have clear admissions criteria and procedures for assessing the prior academic achievement and (where relevant) work experience of applicants.

As well as the admissions requirements for the qualification, applications will include the rationale for how those requirements were determined and will give the provider reasonable confidence that students admitted will be able to meet ARB’s Outcomes, with clear justifications for any exceptions.

If advanced/direct entry to later stages of the qualification will be permitted, details of the arrangements and how the provider will ensure students will meet all of the relevant ARB Outcomes will be required.

Where the provider of a master’s-level or combined qualification will accept students with qualifications or experience not allied to architecture, particular attention will be given to how the provider will assure itself that such students will have the core skills (academic, practical/technical and personal) needed to cope with the demands of the qualification.

If a different department in the institution will be responsible for the admissions process and/or decisions, an explanation will be supplied in the application of how the school/department of architecture’s views will be taken into account in admissions.

See also Standard 6 (measure 6.3).

N.B. The Academic Outcomes must be achieved before the Practice Outcomes.  Therefore, it is expected that achievement of an ARB-accredited master’s-level qualification will be required for entry to practice qualifications.


Standard 4: Human Resources

There will be qualified and experienced educators, assessors and support staff to deliver the Outcomes and to ensure compliance with these Standards.

In order to demonstrate compliance with this Standard through the associated measures, providers will normally be expected to submit evidence of the following:

  • Overview of all staff that will be involved in delivering, assessing and supporting the qualification
  • Projected staff numbers for each of the first five years of delivery
  • Projected student numbers for each of the first five years
  • Projected student to staff ratio (SSR) for each of the first five years, including calculation method
  • List of other qualifications delivered by the school/department, and approximate total student numbers for each
  • CVs of key academic staff and (where relevant) professional examiners
  • Schedule for appointment of FTE/salaried staff not yet in post
  • Human resource allocation model
  • Contingency plans for human resources in the event of disruption
  • Policies and procedures relating to staff induction, appraisal, and CPD
  • External examiner appointment criteria and procedures, including induction
  • External examiner role, responsibilities and terms of reference
  • Nomination forms and dates of terms of external examiners
  • External examiner reports
  • Mechanisms for regular internal and external reviews of staffing

The Accreditation Committee must be assured of the staff that are and will be in place to deliver and assess the qualification; and that there will be review processes that ensure ongoing delivery of the Outcomes and compliance with the Standards.

Providers will be able to demonstrate that they can meet this Standard by:


Showing how the quantity, quality and experience of staff will ensure delivery of the Outcomes and compliance with these Standards.

The provider must complete ARB’s staffing overview document (posts not yet filled should be included and identified as vacant, with the date by which the appointment is due to be made stated); and supply projected staff and student numbers and SSR.  While ARB has not set a requirement for SSR, this will be considered in the context of SSR for similar qualifications delivered elsewhere.

Should the qualification be accredited, the provider will be required to update the staffing overview and projected student numbers, and submit student numbers and progression data annually.  Updated staffing and SSR projections will likely be required as part of review processes.

The Committee will need to be assured that staff will have expertise relevant to their role.  Applications will include the CVs of key academic staff – head of school, course and module leaders, and (where relevant) professional studies advisers (PSAs) and professional examiners – already in post.  Short form CVs are acceptable.  Information to include name, post title, academic/professional specialisms, and relevant teaching/external examination/practice experience from the last five years.    

Please note that ARB will not require the CVs of all staff.  Providers will usually only need to supply the CVs of the key academic staff listed above.  Should any others be required, ARB will specify which.

If accredited, ARB will request the CVs of any new key academic staff as part of a review or annual monitoring (as appropriate).

Information in the application about the human resource allocation model applicable to the qualification should briefly summarise how the provider has determined – and will maintain – staffing levels for the qualification.  It is expected that this will account for matters such as administrative support and students’ academic support needs, as well as teaching and assessment.  This will be reviewed in conjunction with the projected staff and student numbers and SSR; and in the context of any other qualifications the school/department delivers, and similar qualifications delivered elsewhere.  A qualification that will be reliant on (contextually) very few staff, or a large proportion of hourly paid/visiting lecturers would be considered higher risk.

Providers are expected to be able to identify risks associated with its human resources and to have contingency measures to mitigate them.  Applications will include an overview of the primary risks, and how the provider would respond to maintain staffing in the event of the departure or long-term absence of staff and external examiners and prevent/mitigate disruption to teaching or assessment.  This information will give assurance that the required expertise and support will be in place in such circumstances, and that the provider will be able to prevent or minimise impact on the qualification.

If the qualification is accredited, the provider will be expected to notify ARB immediately of significant changes or disruption to staffing (other staffing updates will be expected as part of annual monitoring).



Having in place procedures for selecting, inducting, supporting and appraising staff that will ensure the continued delivery of the Outcomes and compliance with these Standards.

Application material will encompass how staff will be inducted and kept up-to-date on academic regulations and ARB’s Outcomes, requirements and Standards to ensure these will be met; and the staff appraisal scheme.



Having in place procedures for selecting, inducting and training external examiners that will provide assurance as to the delivery of the Outcomes and compliance with these Standards.

The Committee must be assured that external examiners will have the expertise to make informed judgements as to whether students have met ARB’s Outcomes.

ARB expects that at least one external examiner for each qualification will have had experience of externally examining an ARB accredited qualification of the same level or higher in the UK within the last five years (at least half of the external examiners, in the case of joint/dual subject qualifications).  In addition, external examiners for each qualification must include individuals with experience of delivering or assessing an accredited qualification in the UK and experience of UK practice within the last five years (this can be satisfied across external examiners, where more than one).

Applications will contain details of external examiner induction, responsibilities (which will refer to their responsibilities in respect of ARB’s requirements) and terms of reference, and the nomination form and dates of term (Month Year – Month Year) of any already appointed.  If external examiners are not yet in place, applications must include the number that will be appointed, the eligibility criteria, a copy of the nomination form that will be used, and a timeline for appointment.  Risks and contingency plans in respect of external examiners will be received as part of 4.1 above.

If the qualification is accredited, the nomination forms and dates of term of new/replacement external examiners must be submitted as part of annual monitoring.

External examiners should have a means (e.g. within annual reports) to feedback on induction and the provision of briefing information/material to enable them to fulfil their role.



Showing how educators will maintain their knowledge and skills related to architecture and pedagogy through continuing professional development.

Details of the staff CPD programme(s) will be submitted.  This will include how the provider will ensure teaching and assessing staff undertakes regular CPD relevant to the delivery and assessment of architecture; and the provider’s approach to staff development relating to pedagogy and teaching practice.



Regularly reviewing staffing to ensure continued delivery of the Outcomes and compliance with these Standards.

Providers will have mechanisms to regularly review staffing (levels and expertise) and that reviews will account for feedback from staff, students and externals (e.g. examiners, PSRBs).  Applications will include information about these reviews (procedures, timetable/schedule etc), and how the provider will respond to and act on review findings and feedback.

If the qualification is accredited, the provider will be required to submit external examiner and review reports/findings, and the provider’s responses to those reports/findings and any resultant action plan(s) as part of annual monitoring.



Standard 5: Teaching and Learning Resources

There are sufficient and appropriate teaching and learning resources to deliver and assess the Outcomes and compliance with these Standards.

In order to demonstrate compliance with this Standard through the associated measures, providers will normally be expected to submit evidence of the following:

  • Studio, workshop, teaching and storage space and equipment
  • Library facilities
  • IT and digital resources
  • Projected student numbers for each of the first five years of delivery (as submitted for Standard 4)
  • List of other qualifications delivered by the school/department, and approximate total student numbers for each (as submitted for Standard 4)
  • Resource allocation model
  • Contingency plans for teaching and learning resources in the event of disruption
  • Policies and/or procedures relating to student access to resources
  • Mechanisms for regular internal and external reviews of teaching and learning resources

The Accreditation Committee must be assured that the teaching and learning resources that will be available are appropriate for the proposed qualification and student numbers and needs; and that there will be review processes in place that will ensure ongoing delivery of the Outcomes and compliance with the Standards.

Providers will be able to demonstrate that they can meet this Standard by:


Having appropriate studio, teaching, digital and workshop resources available in a timely manner to deliver the Outcomes, commensurate with student numbers.

Applications will include an overview of the physical and digital resources that will be in place.

Information about the resource allocation model applicable to the qualification should briefly summarise how the provider has determined – and will maintain – resources for the qualification, with the rationale for why resourcing has been set at that level and how it will meet the needs of the qualification and students.

While ARB has not set minimum requirements, the submitted material will be considered in the context of student numbers, any other qualifications the school/department delivers (if applicable), and similar qualifications delivered elsewhere.  A qualification that will be reliant on (contextually) limited resources would be considered higher risk.

If accredited, the provider will give updates on resources as part of annual monitoring, including any not in place at the time of the application.

Providers must be able to identify risks associated with its teaching and learning resources and facilities and have contingency measures to mitigate them.  Applications will include an overview of the primary risks, and how the provider would respond to these.  This information will give assurance that the required resources will be in place and that the provider will be able to prevent or minimise impact on the qualification in the event of disruption or loss.

Should the qualification be accredited, the provider will be expected to notify ARB immediately of significant changes or disruption to resources.



Ensuring equality of access to teaching and learning resources for all students.

However the qualification will be delivered, the provider will be expected to have carefully considered how it will ensure equality of access to teaching and to resources for all students.  Information (policies, procedures and/or a statement) that demonstrates how the provider will ensure that students are not disadvantaged by technological, environmental or other factors will be submitted; along with evidence of how staff and students will be made aware of this and of any additional support available.



Regularly reviewing their teaching and learning resources and processes to ensure continued delivery of the Outcomes and compliance with these Standards.

Internal and external review and commentary will be valuable sources of evidence of whether the resources in place for the qualification continue to comply with the Standards.

Providers will have mechanisms to regularly review resources, and those reviews will account for feedback from staff, students and externals (e.g. external examiners, PSRBs).  Applications will include information about these reviews (procedures, timetable/schedule etc), and how the provider will respond to and act on review findings and feedback.

If the qualification is accredited, the provider will be required to submit external examiner and review reports/findings, and the provider’s responses to those reports/findings and any resultant action plan(s) as part of annual monitoring.

Standard 6: Student Support

Students are provided with a safe and supportive learning environment which enables them to achieve the Outcomes and prepares them to practise as an architect.

In order to demonstrate compliance with this Standard through the associated measures, providers will normally be expected to submit evidence of the following:

  • Policy, procedures and resources relating to discrimination
  • Policy, procedure and resources relating to bullying and harassment
  • Pastoral care provision for students
  • Academic support for students 
  • Policy and procedure relating to work-based learning (where relevant)
  • Monitoring and analysis of student progression
  • Approach to addressing student under-performance
  • Information for applicants and students regarding ARB registration requirements

The Accreditation Committee must be assured that the provider is committed to supporting students throughout the qualification and in preparation for practice; and will have the mechanisms and resources to deliver that support.

Providers will be able to demonstrate that they can meet this Standard by:


Having policies, procedures and resources that ensure timely access to student support in relation to:

  1. Discrimination
  2. Bullying and harassment
  3. Pastoral care
  4. Academic support

Providers must demonstrate that policies, procedures and resources will be in place in respect of discrimination and bullying and harassment.  Information about how the provider will ensure that students are aware of these and how they can raise concerns or report incidents and access support will be expected in accreditation applications.

A summary of the pastoral care that will be available to students, and the policy on/approach to provision of academic support for students whose performance or progress causes concern will be included too.



Ensuring that students have access to guidance and support to access work-based learning where it is a requirement of the qualification.

For qualifications that will include a work placement (including apprenticeships), the application will contain an overview of the provider’s and employer’s commitments and responsibilities during the period(s) that students will be in the workplace; and how the provider will monitor those placements.  This will include the frequency and nature of the provider’s contact with the employer and with the students.



Having systems in place to identify and support students whose performance or progress causes concern.

Providers will monitor and analyse student progression to identify trends and contributory factors affecting achievement.  There will be a strategy to identify students or groups of students at risk of under-performance, and to take action to ensure that all students will have the opportunity to successfully complete the qualification.

Providers will submit details of relevant policies and procedures – including how and how often progression trends will be reviewed; changes/thresholds that would trigger action; how actions will be recorded and monitored; and what support will be offered to students whose progress is of concern.

Should the qualification be accredited, the provider will be required to submit progression figures for each cohort annually.



Providing accurate information to applicants and students on how to become an architect.

Application submissions will include evidence of accurate information that will be provided to prospective and enrolled students about the ARB-accredited qualifications and practice experience required to join the UK Register, and the accreditation status of the qualification.

It must be clear that accreditation will be subject to review and dependent on the provider’s ongoing compliance with the Standards and any conditions attached to accreditation of the qualification.

In the event that there is a risk of accreditation being removed, it will be incumbent on the provider to keep affected students informed of the status of the qualification and their options.