Consultation on the Terms of Reference for the Prescription Committee
Consultation paper 2017/01
Consultation on the Terms of Reference for the Prescription Committee
Open date: 31 March 2017
Closing date: 28 April 2017
The Architects Registration Board was established by Parliament in 1997 to regulate the architects’ profession in the UK. We are an independent public interest body, and our work in regulating architects ensures that good standards within the profession are consistently maintained for the benefit of the public and architects alike.
Background to consultation
The Architects Registration Board has agreed to hold a consultation exercise following its proposals to amend Prescription Committee’s Terms of Reference. The consultation will comply with ARB’s Code of Practice for consultations which can be found via the link above.
Purpose of consultation
Before deciding on any course of action, it is important that we have as wide a range of views as possible.
The Prescription Committee’s Terms of Reference are required under Rule 10 (i) of the Architects Registration Board’s General Rules. The Prescription Committee’s Terms of Reference were last reviewed and updated in February 2016.
Recently, a situation has arisen whereby two appointed members of the Committee, including the Chair, will shortly be leaving the Board. This means that they will also be leaving the Committee and there is no guarantee that any newly appointed Board members, who take up post on the 1 April 2017, will have the immediate skills to pick up the role of Chair of the Prescription Committee.
In order to mitigate this immediate risk and to safeguard the future smooth running of the Committee, it is suggested that Committee’s Terms of Reference be altered to permit the Board to co-opt an external individual to chair the Committee for a period of up to a year.
This would only be applied if a situation arose that the Board as constituted did not possess the relevant immediate skills or experience. The amendment would allow for any newly appointed Board member to join the Prescription Committee as a regular member, whilst shadowing the co-opted chair, for a period of up to one year. The Board member could then take over the post of Chair at any point during that year. The suggested change will ensure that the Committee can continue to operate effectively during a period of change.
A track changed copy of the Terms of Reference showing the suggested amendments is attached to this consultation pack.
Consultation documents
Please use the links below to access the consultation documents
Consultation response form
Download a copy in Microsoft Word format
Download a pdf version
Proposed Terms of Reference
Download a pdf track change version
Equality Monitoring form
Download a copy in Microsoft Word format
Download a pdf version
Contact details
Responses can be sent to us by email, fax or post, and should be addressed to:
Emma Matthews
Head of Qualifications and Governance
t. 020 7580 5861
f. 020 7436 5269