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ARB reappoints two Board members

February 6, 2025 | News Release

Teri Okoro and Cindy Leslie have been reappointed as ARB Board members for a four-year period from 1 March 2025 to 28 February 2029.

The Privy Council reappointed the two Board members on 5 February 2025. This will be Teri and Cindy’s final term as Board Members in line the Board’s General Rules.  

Dr Teri Okoro is an experienced non-executive director and chartered architect with extensive senior level and prior leadership roles in the commercial and not-for-profit sectors. Founder and director of architecture practice TOCA, she is a RIBA fellow, an expert adviser for Historic England and a Construction Industry Council EDI Committee panel member. 

Cindy Leslie has had a successful career as a solicitor for many years, focusing on dispute resolution for a wide variety of commercial clients. Cindy brings to the Board significant non-executive experience in a number of different areas including regulation, higher education and the charity sector. Cindy has extensive regulatory experience as a fitness to practise panel member for the Nursing and Midwifery Council and the Health and Care Professions Tribunal Service.  

The ARB Board is made up of 11 members, all appointed by the Privy Council. This includes one independent, non-executive Chair and ten non-executive Board members made up of five members of the public and five architects. A Board member’s tenure cannot exceed eight years (whether consecutive or not). 

More information on the role of ARB’s Board can be found here. 



Please note that members of ARB’s Board, including its Chair, are appointed by the Privy Council after consultation with the Secretary of State and such other persons or bodies as the Privy Council thinks fit. 


The Architects Registration Board (ARB) is an independent professional regulator, established by Parliament as a statutory body, through the Architects Act, in 1997. It is accountable to government. The law gives ARB a number of core functions: 

  • To ensure only those who are suitably competent are allowed to practise as architects. ARB does this by approving the qualifications required to join the UK Register of Architects. 
  • ARB maintains a publicly available Register of Architects so anyone using the services of an architect can be confident that they are suitably qualified and are fit to practise. 
  • ARB sets the standards of conduct and practice the profession must meet and take action when any architect falls below the required standards of conduct or competence. 
  • We set requirements for and monitor the continuous professional development that architects must undertake, to provide assurance to the public about the continuing competence of the profession. 
  • ARB protects the legally restricted title ‘architect’ 

ARB General Rules 

More information on ARB’s General Rules can be found here.

For questions and information requests, please contact the ARB Policy & Communications team at media@arb.org.uk