Terms of Reference
1. Purpose
1.1 The People Committee is a Committee of the Board and is accountable to the Board for the duties set out below. Subject to any restrictions prescribed by the Act or the Rules of the ARB, the Committee is authorised by the Board to determine any matter within its terms of reference. The People Committee provides advice and recommendations on strategic human resource issues.
2. Duties
The Committee will:
2.1 Approve ARB’s People Strategy including:
- Leadership and management approach and capability
- Approach to reward and recognition
- Equality, diversity and inclusion
2.2 Approve ARB’s overall approach to reward and benchmarking and approve the appointment of external pay and benchmarking survey data providers
2.3 Approve the appointments, induction, performance approach and removal policy for the Non Executive Associates
2.4 Approve the performance process of Board and Committee members
2.5 Make recommendations to the Board in relation to:
- the appointment, induction, performance oversight and removal of the Chief Executive
- the Chief Executive’s remuneration, including providing advice and feedback on relevant benchmarking and other data
- the overall approach to executive pay and reward including any proposed increases and any performance related pay provision, taking into account external economic data, any relevant benchmarking data and wider organisational requirements
- remuneration for Board members and Non Executive Associates including appropriate expenses,
- providing advice and feedback on relevant benchmarking and other data
- the removal of Board members as set out within the General Rules
2.6 Provide assurance of high standards in the appointment and performance review of all Board and Committee members
2.7 Provide advice to the Chief Executive and Registrar regarding performance and the total reward package, for members of the Senior Leadership Group
2.8 Provide advice to the Executive in relation to any changes to ARB’s organisational structure including changes to the establishment headcount
2.9 Obtain from the Chief Executive Officer and Registrar, workforce assurance information relating to compliance, operational and strategic measures and key performance indicators.
2.10 Provide regular reports to the Board, including an annual statement of compliance with the Committee’s terms of reference.
3. Membership
3.1 The members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board and shall consist of:
- Two lay and two architect Board members, one of whom will be appointed as Chair
- One additional external member to supplement the Committee’s skills base and/or provide an additional independent perspective.
3.2 Regular attendees at the Committee should be:
- Chief Executive and Registrar
- Director of Resources
- Human Resources lead
- Other relevant members of the staff (on invitation)
- Minute taker
3.3 The Committee may ask any other member of staff, or such others as may be appropriate, to attend to assist it with its discussions on any particular matter.
4. Quorum
4.1 The quorum of the People Committee shall be three members of the Committee.
5. Meetings and Procedures
5.1 The Committee will normally have at least four scheduled meetings per year.
6. Reporting Requirements
6.1 A draft of the minutes will normally be circulated to the Chair for initial approval within five working days of the meeting taking place. The Chair will normally approve the draft minutes within a further five working days of the meeting taking place. The Chair-approved minutes will then be circulated to members of the Committee (and any attendees as appropriate) as a draft before they are presented at the next Committee meeting for formal approval. The minutes will be presented for noting at the next Board meeting whether they are draft or have been formally approved by the Committee.
6.2 The Committee Chair will provide an annual report on the Committee’s work to the Board and review the performance of the Independent Non-Executive member.
7. Papers and Agendas
7.1 The Executive shall circulate the agenda and papers no less than five working days before each meeting.
8. Declarations and Conflicts of Interest
8.1 Declarations of Interest must be made in line with ARB’s Declarations and Conflicts of Interest Policy. In line with ARB’s policy, any member or attendee of the Committee who becomes aware of a potential conflict of interest, relating to matters being discussed by the Committee, must give immediate notification of that interest to the Governance Team if they become aware of it prior to the meeting or must notify the interest at the meeting if they become aware of an interest once the meeting has commenced, in line with ARB’s policy
Approved by ARB Board
7 December 2022