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March Agenda: 05/03/2020



2.Members’ Interests


3.Update from the Chair
Oral update.

To approve the open session minutes of the meeting held on 27 January 2020.

5.Matters Arising Report
To note the update report on actions agreed from previous meetings.


6.Daily Attendance Allowance of PCC Legally Qualified Chairs
To agree the proposed daily attendance allowance of the Professional Conduct Committee Chairs.
Cover paper
Annex A

7.Remuneration and Appointments Committee Terms of Reference
To agree the new Terms of Reference Document.
Cover paper
Annex A

8.Governance Follow up/Governance Review: Annual Review Scheme for Non Executives within the Governance Structure.
Cover paper
Annex A

9.Board Effectiveness Review 2020
To agree the Board Effectiveness Review process for 2020.
Cover paper
Annex A

10.Operational Activities Report
To note a report from the ARB team on matters relating to the running of the Board’s business.

11.Financial Update
i.2019 Year End Update (verbal)
ii.Management Accounts (cover paper)
Annex A

i. To note the draft minutes from the Remuneration and Appointments Committee meeting held on 2 December 2019.
ii. To note the draft minutes from the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee meeting held on 24 January 2020.

13.Any Other Business

14.Dates of Future Board Meetings

14 May 2020
19 June 2020 (development day)
10 July 2020
2 October 2020
20 November 2020
3 December 2020