Victoria Landeryou
Victoria Landeryou
ARB Examiner
I am registered as an architect with ARB and a RIBA member. I have worked for John Simpson Architects since 2006 upon completing my Part I and am currently an Associate Director. The practice specialises in classical architecture and working on Listed, existing and heritage buildings as well as in Conservation Areas. I am responsible for the ISO 9001, 14001 and 18001 certifications for the practice as well as being the CPD coordinator. Outside the architectural environment, I am a Supporting rider for the Light Cavalry, in Windsor Berkshire.
Annual Register of Interests 2020
Membership of Formal Groups:
Business, Professional or Social Relationships:
Employed by John Simpson Architects
Part-time lecturer/tutor at University of Coventry
Part III examiner at Westminster
Companies or Associations which you or members of your family are officers or employees or in which you or they have beneficial interests:
Husband (Aaron Landeryou) is a Director at Westbourne Block Management Ltd
Involvement in Partnerships, Joint Ventures or Consortia:
Professional Relationships with individuals, organisations or businesses that might have relationships with ARB:
Employed by John Simpson Architects
Part-time lecturer/tutor at University of Coventry
Part III examiner at Westminster
Victoria Landeryou
ARB Examiner
I am registered as an architect with ARB and a RIBA member. I have worked for John Simpson Architects since 2006 upon completing my Part I and am currently an Associate Director. The practice specialises in classical architecture and working on Listed, existing and heritage buildings as well as in Conservation Areas. I am responsible for the ISO 9001, 14001 and 18001 certifications for the practice as well as being the CPD coordinator. Outside the architectural environment, I am a Supporting rider for the Light Cavalry, in Windsor Berkshire.
Annual Register of Interests 2020
Membership of Formal Groups:
Business, Professional or Social Relationships:
Employed by John Simpson Architects
Part-time lecturer/tutor at University of Coventry
Part III examiner at Westminster
Companies or Associations which you or members of your family are officers or employees or in which you or they have beneficial interests:
Husband (Aaron Landeryou) is a Director at Westbourne Block Management Ltd
Involvement in Partnerships, Joint Ventures or Consortia:
Professional Relationships with individuals, organisations or businesses that might have relationships with ARB:
Employed by John Simpson Architects
Part-time lecturer/tutor at University of Coventry
Part III examiner at Westminster