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Sadia Zouq

Sadia Zouq

Professional Conduct Committee

Sadia is a qualified Barrister and practised in the field of crime for several years (defending and prosecuting). In 2013 she moved in-house as a Fitness to Practise Lawyer for the General Pharmaceutical Council, and thereafter worked as the Senior Lawyer at the General Optical Council and General Dental Council.

Sadia currently sits as a Legally Qualified Member for the Tax Disciplinary Board, and is a Lay Chair for the Health and Care Professions Council, and Lay Panellist for the Nursing and Midwifery Council and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy. She is a Legal Adviser to the General Pharmaceutical Council, General Optical Council and Social Work England and sits as Barrister Member for the Bar Tribunal and Adjudication Service.

Annual Register of Interest 2020

Membership of formal groups:

Business, professional or social relationships:

Companies or associations which you or members of your family are officers of employees or in which you or they have beneficial interests:

Involvement in partnerships, joint ventures or consortia:

Professional relationships with individuals, organisations or businesses that might have relations with ARB:


Sadia Zouq

Professional Conduct Committee

Sadia is a qualified Barrister and practised in the field of crime for several years (defending and prosecuting). In 2013 she moved in-house as a Fitness to Practise Lawyer for the General Pharmaceutical Council, and thereafter worked as the Senior Lawyer at the General Optical Council and General Dental Council.

Sadia currently sits as a Legally Qualified Member for the Tax Disciplinary Board, and is a Lay Chair for the Health and Care Professions Council, and Lay Panellist for the Nursing and Midwifery Council and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy. She is a Legal Adviser to the General Pharmaceutical Council, General Optical Council and Social Work England and sits as Barrister Member for the Bar Tribunal and Adjudication Service.

Annual Register of Interest 2020

Membership of formal groups:

Business, professional or social relationships:

Companies or associations which you or members of your family are officers of employees or in which you or they have beneficial interests:

Involvement in partnerships, joint ventures or consortia:

Professional relationships with individuals, organisations or businesses that might have relations with ARB:
