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Withdrawal of Accreditation

This section of the Handbook covers withdrawal of accreditation from a qualification by the provider or by ARB.


We are developing this section in conjunction with stakeholders and the Education Transition Reference Group.


Once accredited, a qualification will remain so until accreditation is withdrawn.1

Accreditation may be withdrawn at the request of the provider (voluntary withdrawal), or by ARB following review(s) or a cause for concern investigation.

Withdrawal of accreditation from a qualification will be published on ARB’s website.

Please note that only students awarded the qualification before the date that accreditation ceases will have a qualification eligible for the purpose of registration.  Certificates issued/received after that date will not be accredited awards, even if accreditation was in place when a student started the qualification.

Any questions about withdrawal should be directed to Qualifications@arb.org.uk. 

1 Only applicable to qualifications accredited under the new accreditation model.    Qualifications that were prescribed under the previous prescription process will cease to be accredited after the current prescription period ends unless the provider requests to withdraw accreditation sooner, or they are transitioned to deliver the new Outcomes.

Voluntary withdrawal by the provider

Should the provider wish to withdraw a qualification from accreditation, a formal written request must be submitted to ARB (Qualifications@arb.org.uk). 

The request must state the relevant qualification, the reason(s) for withdrawal, and the date on which the provider would like accreditation to cease.  

ARB may require further clarifications and/or assurances from the provider and will determine the process to be followed on a case-by-case basis.

Withdrawal by ARB

Accreditation may be removed by ARB following review(s) or a cause for concern investigation and findings of non-compliance with ARB’s Standards and requirements for accreditation.

Withdrawal of accreditation will be governed by the relevant stipulations set out in the Accreditation Rules.

Where a recommendation for withdrawal follows a series of reviews, ARB will inform the provider of the findings after each review.

In all cases, the provider will be notified in writing of the withdrawal recommendation, qualification(s) affected and reason(s) and will have the opportunity to submit representations to the Accreditation Committee before it makes its decision.