The Architects Registration Board
The Architects Registration Board (ARB) was established by Parliament in 1997 to regulate the architects’ profession in the UK. We are an independent, public interest body, which maintains the statutory Register of Architects. In order to Register as an architect an individual will have had to met the relevant standards of education and experience, and our work in regulating architects ensures that good standards within the profession are maintained for the benefit of the public and the reputation of the profession.
By law, only an individual or practice registered with ARB is allowed to call themselves an Architect.
Informing the public and users of architect services
While as an independent statutory regulator ARB has no role in the promotion of architects, one of its objectives is to ensure that the public have access to accurate information. It is important that consumers who want to use the services of an architect, are aware of the existence and significance of the Register of Architects, so that they can make an informed choice.
The online Register of Architects at
We know that most people now seek information on businesses online, but that information on the internet is not always accurate or to be trusted. We also know how widespread the misuse of the title ‘architect’ is online, and how difficult it is to police all of the various directories and websites that provide information.
This is why we publish the statutory Register of Architects online, and allow it to be searched by the architect’s name, business, address, town or region. We also make efforts to ensure that the Register is known by our most important audience – those individuals or businesses who want to engage an architect and need to ensure they are using a real one.
What part do Local Authorities play?
A key source of information for consumers considering building work are the planning sections of Local Authorities’ websites. Our aim is to provide a simple link to the online Register . By making this information available early in the planning process, if a consumer is intending to use an architect they know where they can check to find one, or where they can validate someone they are already intending to use.
It only takes one minute to check the Register of Architects to verify this information and could prevent the serious consequences of misleading information.