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Code consultation results and next steps

As the statutory regulator of the architects’ profession, one of ARB’s functions is to set the standards of conduct and practice the profession must meet and take action when any architect falls below the required standards of conduct or competence. We set a Code of Conduct and Practice, and we have statutory obligations to keep the Code under review.

ARB published a new draft Code for consultation in September 2024. The proposed Code was based on six outcomes-focussed Standards, each of which is underlined with example behaviours. The Standards were intended to be underpinned by guidance, and a list of guidance topics was published as part of the consultation.

This consultation closed in December 2024 and demonstrated support for the new Code. The new Code is now being finalised and will be published this summer. 

Download the consultation report

Responses to the consultation

Total responses

The consultation received a total of 441 responses. More information about who responded can be found in the consultation report.

Total responses

The Code

More respondents agreed than disagreed with each of the proposed standards.

‘Honesty and integrity’ received the highest level of combined agreement (89%), and ‘Public interest’ received the lowest with 70%, which is still a strong majority. ‘Public interest’ also had the highest level of disagreement, but with only 16% disagreeing or strongly disagreeing.

More information about how people responded to the proposed standards can be found in the consultation report.

The guidance

More respondents agreed than disagreed with each of the proposed guidance topics.

‘Strongly agree’ was the most common response for each of the proposed topics. ‘Building safety’ and ‘Dealing with complaints and disputes’ received the highest level of agreement (80% and 79%), with building safety having a noticeably higher level of strong agreement (59%).

More information about how people responded to the proposed guidance topics can be found in the consultation report.

Conclusions and next steps

The Code

The consultation revealed that there is strong support for our proposed Standards and guidance.

Some respondents suggested improvements to the Code’s language, helping us identify areas that need clarification. We are reviewing and considering all drafting suggestions, particularly those relating to definitions. We will also consider how we might use examples or case studies in the guidance to improve understanding.

Many of the suggestions we received were ideas that we cannot adopt, either because they are outside of our statutory remit (such as fees) or because we are not the appropriate body (such as pay or employment law). However, we will consider how we can incorporate some of the helpful or more detailed suggestions into the updated Code and the guidance we are currently developing.

We will consult on each guidance document before it is introduced, grouping them together for publication to reduce the number of consultations. At all times, we will be clear as to what guidance applies and its role, so that architects know what is expected of them, and know what standards they would be judged against should a disciplinary case come about.

We will publish the final version of the Code this summer, once the Board has considered the drafting improvements we are making in light of the consultation. The consultation report contains further detail on the key points raised by respondents, and how we have considered them.

Guidance consultation part one 

We are initially publishing draft versions of three of the guidance documents for consultation. This is the first of three consultations; further guidance documents will be published in part two and part three as outlined below. 

The guidance we are consulting on initially are: 

  • Dealing with complaints 
  • Professional indemnity insurance 
  • Terms of engagement 

The guidance can be viewed below, and you can participate in the consultation here. Subject to the outcome of the consultation, these three documents will be finalised and published alongside the new Code later this year.  

The remaining guidance documents will also be published for consultation later this year, in two further tranches. The next (part two) will be published in the summer. 

Dealing with complaints

Professional indemnity insurance

Terms of engagement

Draft versions of the guidance documents will be published as follows:

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Professional indemnity insurance*  Financial conduct  Raising concerns 
Dealing with complaints*  Sustainability*  Equality, diversity and inclusion 
Terms of engagement  Building safety  Mentoring 
  Managing conflicts of interest  Leadership 

*Guidance already exists and will be reviewed and updated

Why we are revising the Code

The last substantial revision to the current Code was in 2011. Since then, the Grenfell Tower disaster and ensuing building safety crisis, the climate emergency and changing societal attitudes towards equality, diversity and inclusion have all transformed the environment in which architects practise.

Following research into public expectations as to how architects should behave and act and engagement with architects and other professionals in the built environment, we published our proposals for the new Code. Learn more here.