Peter Wislocki

Peter Wislocki
ARB Examiner, Competency Standards Group
Peter is an architect and property developer. Following time at practices in the UK, France and Poland – where he managed teams of architects working on major international projects – Peter founded his own consultancy, iARCH.
Throughout his academic career, Peter has taught at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels at Anglia Ruskin, Cambridge, De Montfort, Kent, Nottingham Trent and Oxford Brookes. He has also been a National Design Review Panel member at the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), and a member of RIBA’s Schools Visiting Board. He has previously been a Director of Aukett, RMJM and ESA, and a Contributing Editor of World Architecture.
Annual Register of Interests 2020
Membership of Formal Groups:
Business, Professional or Social Relationships:
Companies or Associations which you or members of your family are officers or employees or in which you or they have beneficial interests:
Involvement in Partnerships, Joint Ventures or Consortia:
Relationships with individuals, organisations or businesses that might have relationships with ARB:
Peter Wislocki

ARB Examiner, Competency Standards Group
Peter is an architect and property developer. Following time at practices in the UK, France and Poland – where he managed teams of architects working on major international projects – Peter founded his own consultancy, iARCH.
Throughout his academic career, Peter has taught at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels at Anglia Ruskin, Cambridge, De Montfort, Kent, Nottingham Trent and Oxford Brookes. He has also been a National Design Review Panel member at the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), and a member of RIBA’s Schools Visiting Board. He has previously been a Director of Aukett, RMJM and ESA, and a Contributing Editor of World Architecture.
Annual Register of Interests 2020
Membership of Formal Groups:
Business, Professional or Social Relationships:
Companies or Associations which you or members of your family are officers or employees or in which you or they have beneficial interests:
Involvement in Partnerships, Joint Ventures or Consortia:
Relationships with individuals, organisations or businesses that might have relationships with ARB: