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  • George Lovesmith

George Lovesmith

George Lovesmith

Independent Examiners

George is the founder of Bristol practice, Integrated Workshop, integrating design and education with an emphasis on strategic and participatory processes. He has partnered with schools and community organisations around the UK and beyond. Alongside practising as an architect, George teaches at the University of Bath and UWE, Bristol. He serves as an External Examiner for the University of Hertfordshire’s partnership with the Interactive Design Institute.

Annual Register of Interests 2020

Membership of Formal Groups:
Higher Education Academy Fellow

Business, Professional or Social Relationships:
Wife, Helen Lovesmith is also a practising architect

Companies or Associations which you or members of your family are officers or employees or in which you or they have beneficial interests:

Involvement in Partnerships, Joint Ventures or Consortia:

Professional Relationships with individuals, organisations or businesses that might have relationships with ARB:
Teaching Fellow at University of Bath
Senior Lecturer at University of the West of England, Bristol
External Examiner at University of Hertfordshire


George Lovesmith

Independent Examiners

George is the founder of Bristol practice, Integrated Workshop, integrating design and education with an emphasis on strategic and participatory processes. He has partnered with schools and community organisations around the UK and beyond. Alongside practising as an architect, George teaches at the University of Bath and UWE, Bristol. He serves as an External Examiner for the University of Hertfordshire’s partnership with the Interactive Design Institute.

Annual Register of Interests 2020

Membership of Formal Groups:
Higher Education Academy Fellow

Business, Professional or Social Relationships:
Wife, Helen Lovesmith is also a practising architect

Companies or Associations which you or members of your family are officers or employees or in which you or they have beneficial interests:

Involvement in Partnerships, Joint Ventures or Consortia:

Professional Relationships with individuals, organisations or businesses that might have relationships with ARB:
Teaching Fellow at University of Bath
Senior Lecturer at University of the West of England, Bristol
External Examiner at University of Hertfordshire
