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The Architects Registration Board (ARB) is an Arm’s Length Body established by an Act of Parliament in 1997 to regulate the architects’ profession in the UK in the public interest. Our functions include setting the UK standards, qualifications and practical training required for entry to the Architects’ Register, as well as issuing a code which sets out the standards of conduct and practice for architects.

We are governed by a Board of 15 Members, eight are lay Members appointed by the Privy Council and seven are architects elected by those on the Architects Register.

The General Rules, which set out how the Board operates, make provision for the election of a Chair and Vice Chair. Rule 7 requires the Board to elect a Chair and Vice Chair from amongst its Members and candidates must be nominated in writing by two Members of the Board.

Karen Holmes, the Registrar and Chief Executive, has received one nomination for the role of Chair and two for the role of Vice Chair.

Nomination for the position of Chair of the Architects Registration Board
Nabila Zulfiqar
Supported by – Alice Hynes and Danna Walker

Nominations for the position of Vice Chair of the Architects Registration Board
Richard Parnaby
Supported by – Alice Hynes and Nabila Zulfiqar

Alex Wright
Supported by – Carol Bernstein and Caroline Corby

A ballot, in which all Board Members will vote, will be held on 12 July 2018 and the results will be announced shortly after.


Notes for Editors

ARB is the statutory body established by Parliament under the Architects Act 1997 to regulate the UK architects’ profession in the public interest. The Act requires ARB (among other things) to:

• Maintain the Register of Architects (Section 3)
• Prescribe qualifications for entry to the Register of Architects (Section 4)
• Deal with competence to practise (Section 9)
• Issue a Code which lays down standards of professional conduct and practice (Section 13)
• Regulate use of the title “architect” and prosecute those who use it unlawfully (Section 20)

ARB has a Board of 15 members, either elected or appointed, to represent the interests of consumers and users of architectural services.

More information about the General Rules can be found on our website here.
More information about ARB’s Board and Committees can be found on our website here.
More information about current Board members can be found here.

For further information, please contact Kate Howlett, Communications Lead on 020 7580 5861 or by email at